𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐 - 𝐎𝐟𝐟 𝐭𝐨 𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐠𝐚

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When you heard the male voice, you swirled around. In front of you was young man in his early twenties. He was quite muscular with a broad chest, and his long black hair was tied up in a man bun. He had eyes that sparkled with energy; like sapphires under the sunlight, as deep as the sea and as blue as the sky.

"How many times do I have to tell you, Mr. Saunders, that it is not proper to frighten a young lady?", you said to the young man approaching you on the docks. You tried to sound upset and uppity even though you couldn't suppress a smile.

"At least once more, Miss Vencas, as always!", the young man said, smiling as well. He closed the gap between the two of you with some steps and pulled you into a big hug.
"Hello (y/n). I was afraid ye wouldn't make it in time", he mumbled into your hair.

You sighed and embraced the hug. "I nearly didn't, Chris. But now I'm here and we need to leave as fast as possible for me to be unseen."

For a moment he hugged you very tightly and pulled your head close to his chest. You could hear his heart beating in his chest. Then he let go of you and looked directly into your eyes.

"So, this is what ye want?", he asked. You could see concern in his eyes mixed with pain and frustration. It was hard for you to see him like this. It was hard to know that your decision hurt him so much. But you knew that you had to leave for your own good. 

You nodded. "Yes, Chris, it is."

He sighed. "Well then, we better get on that ship, don't we?" 

A sad smile appeared on his face before he held out his hand to you like a true gentleman and led you up the gangway.

Chris Saunders was a merchant sailor and captain of the Calgarian. Most of the time, he transported cargo to different towns and places, and sometimes he was gone for three months and more to trade spices, rum and other goods in different countries. The last time that you had seen him had been nearly two and a half months ago.

When Chris was on such long journeys, it was hard for you two to stay in touch. But there where ports he often headed for to replenish supplies before he and his crew spend a long time at sea. So, if you wanted to write him a letter, you just had to know when and where the Calgarian would make berth.

But Chris wasn't only some merchant sailor you happened to know, he was also your best and only friend. You had known each other since early childhood when you and your father were passengers on the Calgarian to visit other regions or England, back, when the ship still belonged to Chris's father.

He was like an older brother to you and you like a younger sister to him. You cared for each other in a non-romantic way. So, when you'd written him a letter some time ago to inform him about the arranged marriage and your plan to run away, and asked for his help, he didn't really have another choice but to say yes.

As you sailed out of the harbor, you looked at Chris standing on the quarterdeck and commandeering his ship. You walked towards him, leaned on his shoulder and watched the horizon as the harbor of Nassau disappeared behind you.
You had left your house in the morning. Now it was already noon.

"So, how do you feel? I mean, ye are leaving behind everything you have ever known. That must be strange, frightening even." Chris glanced at you.

He was right. You were leaving everything you had ever known behind, but yet you didn't feel guilty or sad. It was a different feeling. One that you didn't quite understand.

"If I'm being honest, Chris, I couldn't feel any better. Leaving Nassau behind just feels... right. It's like turning my back on my past and looking into a bright future. I finally feel...", you searched for the right word, "I finally feel free. This ship is freedom. Can't you see that?"

Not a Treasure of Silver and Gold - Jack Sparrow x readerWhere stories live. Discover now