𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟎 - 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐭

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The sea lapped peacefully, glittering in the reflecting sunlight like a flood of sapphire-blue diamonds and gemstones, and the steady noise of the rustling waves sounded like a gentle lullaby. 

Your surroundings portrayed the embodiment of tranquillity and serenity, but your mind was far away from being at peace. 

After hearing about Elizabeth's true origins and realizing what her actions meant for your future, panic had paralyzed your whole body. You had been frozen in shock, trembling, gasping for air, and only through Jack's tender touch and his soothing words had you been able to calm yourself. 

After your body had simmered down a bit, the two of you had left Elizabeth, who had turned back to the fire that had risen high up into the clear blue sky, behind. Instead of staying with her, you had walked in pleasant silence across the soft sand to the other side of the small island.

Jack had taken your hand in his and hadn't let go of it the whole way. His rough yet warm skin had been pressed tightly against yours and it had felt like millions of tiny lightning bolts were shooting through your fingers. You had enjoyed the pleasant tingling and had dreaded the moment when Jack would let you go. 

Because it had felt like Jack's constant handshake was the only thing that gave you support in this chaos, the only thing steady in this mess: You had felt safe and secure. 

But eventually, when you had long since left Elizabeth behind, your stroll had come to an end and the two of you arrived at the other side of the island. 

There, Jack had sat down in the warm sand and had ultimately let go of your hand.

Now, you were sitting next to him, your arms wrapped around your knees, almost desperately clutching them. 

Even though your little stroll had helped, the chaos in your mind was still present. You overthought every possibility, assessed their probability and evaluated their plausibility. The fear of the unknown just wouldn't leave your body and your heart felt heavy. 

Overall, you were a nervous wreck. 

But at the same time, you were relieved and grateful that Jack had separated you from Elizabeth. You hadn't been able to think clearly in her presence - and it was still difficult - but now that you were further away from her, your jumbled thoughts finally became clearer, finally made some sense. 

And the more distance you put between her and yourself, the more you thought about what had even happened earlier. You reflected on how your curiosity but also your anxiety had become unbearable. How you had simply pulled out Jack's gun, just like that, without inhibitions or considerations, and had pointed it at the back of Elizabeth's head. 

Such impulsive, reflex-controlled movements were unfamiliar to you. And above all, completely uncharacteristic of you as well. You asked yourself how something like that could have happened. 

You weren't that kind of person, were you? A person who would just threaten someone else without any kind of proof? Was it perhaps the remaining alcohol in your blood? Or had you inhaled too much smoke? Was it the lack of food and clean water that you had endured for quite a while now? 

Oh, you were so confused. 

Confused and exhausted from all the thinking and the fearing. It felt like your mind was smoking and steaming and you were sincerely concerned that it would eventually burst into flames like the other side of the island behind you.

You sighed in frustration and laid your head on top of your knees that you were clinging to. 

Things were really not turning out the way you had wanted them to.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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