𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕 - 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐓𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐆𝐨𝐥𝐝

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The thick, white fog was still wafting around you, bathing everything in an eerie, ghostly atmosphere. Despite the faint sunbeams, the sea was as black as a moonless night, like an endless dark and deep giant monster.

You didn't know what dangers it held for you. Perhaps bloodthirsty sharks like you had seen at Shipwreck Cay, or long water snakes, a colossus kraken maybe, deadly beautiful mermaids, or even frightening and cruel sirens.

Just recently you had read about a particularly hideous sea beast in a book called Creatures of the Seven Sea: A sea demon combining the head, arms, and torso of an attractive woman and, from the lower torso down, the tentacles of an octopus or squid.

Normally, you didn't believe in such fairy tales and sagas, or even in mermaids and monsters. And certainly not in ghost stories. In your opinion, they were just made-up tales and sailor's yarn.

However, they did interest you.

And now that you were rowing so defenselessly in a longboat across the surface of the sea, you suddenly also felt terrified by them. You were afraid that an animal or monster could shoot out of the black water from below and swallow the whole boat at once, or that a mermaid would appear and drag you with her into the darkness.

The big, stony, and impressive rocks of the Isla de Muerta didn't make things any better either. The whole island gave you the feeling that something was off. You didn't know what particular, but you knew that it felt like the island wanted you to leave and never come back.

You shivered. It had been a long time since you had felt this uncomfortable. Not even the dreaded island of Tortuga, with its drunkards and cutthroats, with its uncivilized men without any manners, had given you this feeling of discomfort.

Once again, you questioned the decision you had made on that sunny morning less than two weeks ago. The decision to start a new life.

Again and again on your journey since you had left Nassau, you had felt thoughts of insecurity about your current environment and the urge to be in a safe and warm place instead. Sometimes, you had wondered, how your life would be right now if you had stayed with your parents.

But despite the strength of that emotion, you had never given the idea of returning to Nassau any further thought. You had wished for freedom and adventure. Only you hadn't known that they would come in form of Captain Jack Sparrow who was sitting right in front of you.

You were now rowing towards the intimidating rocky shore, away from the Interceptor who laid at anchor in the distance. Or more specifically, Jack and Will were rowing. No one had felt the need to give you an oar. Something, you weren't really upset about, quite the opposite: You were glad that you had nothing to do. This way, you could wonder in peace about the sea, the possibility of monsters, Jack, and also why he had insisted on taking you with him.

This still made you ponder; you just couldn't find a logical explanation for it.

"Is something wrong, love?", Jack said into the silence.

Surprised, you looked at him. Since you had left the Interceptor, he had seemed much more conscientious, much more serious than the last few days. He had lost his lascivious smile and hadn't made any lewd innuendos to you. And yet you hadn't overlooked the way his gaze had wandered to you from time to time.

"No, nothing, I'm fine", you answered him, not sounding too convinced yourself.

Because, the truth was, that you weren't convinced at all. There was something wrong, something very wrong indeed.

"Very well Ms. Saunders", Jack replied, also sounding rather unsatisfied with your answer.

Suddenly, you changed your mind. Jack was a non-transparent person. You didn't understand him as a human or could even anticipate what he was going to do next. He was unpredictable. But your curiosity was killing you and you wanted to know the truth. You needed to know what his true colors were.

Not a Treasure of Silver and Gold - Jack Sparrow x readerWhere stories live. Discover now