𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟏 - 𝐅𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐨𝐫 𝐅𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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In the minutes that followed, as the ship rocked over the waves, Jack didn't make a single sound. And you, on the other hand, didn't even try to repeat your question. He wouldn't answer anyway, you thought. 

Surely, the conversation with Barbossa just hadn't gone in his favor and he was upset. Or the conversation had been completely in his favor, but he just didn't feel like answering your question.

Anyway, your desire to talk to him had vanquished as well, and you snorted contemptuous when suddenly the shouting on deck became even louder. 

In the next moment, the Pearl unexpectedly made a hard turn, throwing you and Jack across the cell. Startled and surprised, you tried to get back on your feet, unknowing what had just happened. And when you stood stable again, you realized that the atmosphere around you had completely changed.

For a few seconds the world stood still and held its breath. The running on deck, the screams, and the shouts suddenly subsided, stopped. Like the calm before the storm, everything went completely silent.

And then, a rain of bullets seemed to go down on the Pearl

Their impact was louder than the greatest thunderstorm, louder than rumbles that sweep over the sea at night, louder than roars that deepen when pounding against a ship's bow. 

Within moments, the Black Pearl was hit by bullets so strong the whole vessel shook and the wooden ground beneath you rocked and cracked. As fast as lightning they crashed into the ship's wall, smashing, and shattering the wood, leaving behind holes and leaks, striking the ship like an eagle, heading to the ground to catch a mouse.

But it wasn't just the Interceptor that had opened fire. 

At the same time the ship with the black sails was hit, Captain Barbossa's infernal crew loaded their own cannons and fired them back at the Interceptor, merciless and without any consideration. The jolt that came from every bullet fired caused the entire ship to swing and made you unsteady on your feet again. 

Confused and frightened, you clung to the bars of the prison cell next to you, so tightly that your knuckles were showing and your fingernails were digging into your flesh.

The situation hadn't even lasted a minute and yet your head was already in chaos. The loud noises and the bloodcurdling screams of dying men being hit by cannons or thrown overboard by their impact stressed you enormously and flooded your perception. Everything you saw, heard, and felt suddenly merged in your head and you could no longer think clearly. Your vision blurred in front of your eyes and you felt devastated as small, salty tears rolled down your cheeks and your breath started to hitch in your throat.

Only vaguely you could make out Jack in front of you, who was still crouching on the ground in front of the small hole in the ship's wall and watching everything. You wondered how he could stay this calm under these circumstances of horror and acute danger. How many times must he have experienced such terrible moments? Or was he just a brave man of great courage?

Shame overcame you when you realized how miserable and pathetic you on the other hand were standing there, clinging to iron bars with dear life, crying. 

The shame overcame you when you realized how little courage you had, how fearful you were, how all your bravery had left you already.

In the end, you were probably still the little girl from all those years ago who had sneaked into the fortress of Nassau out of curiosity and self-interest and then had backed away in shock and fear when a pirate had stood in front of her. 

Out of curiosity about Jack Sparrow, you had joined a crew of pirates and buccaneers and  sailed with them to the Isla de Muerta. And now you were standing here, frozen in fear and crying like a little girl.

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