𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟓 - 𝐀 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚 𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐭 𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐋𝐢𝐞𝐬

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Jack struggled with himself, faltered, as if words were stuck in his mouth, as if the story he was going to tell wasn't particularly worth telling, perhaps even unpleasant, embarrassing. But Elizabeth didn't back down. She continued to look into his eyes, firmly standing her ground. Even when Jack took a step forward, she didn't move away.

The pirate raised his hand and made a pathetic attempt to form words but faltered again. 

Then finally, he took a deep breath and began to speak: "Last time, I was here a grand total of three days, all right?"

You blinked in confusion.

"Last time, the rumrunners used this island as a cache. They came by and I was able to barter passage off. From the looks of things, they've long been out of business. Probably have your friend bloody Norrington to thank for that", Jack explained as he opened a creaking hatch hidden in the sandy ground and descended a narrow wooden ladder into the darkness.

Speechless and surprised, you watched as he shakily disappeared into the hole in the ground.

The rumrunners? Really?

You didn't know what you had expected. Although you had already suspected from his body language that Jack would tell the truth this time instead of his crazy sea turtle story, you somehow still had thought that the truth would be more epic, more exciting, more adventurous. 

After all, he was the infamous Captain Jack Sparrow.

Maybe, you really thought too highly of him. Maybe, he really was just a lousy pirate who didn't deserve your fascination at all.

You heard a few bottles clinking, then Jack climbed back up into the daylight with several glass bottles in his arms.

"So that's it then?", you spat out perplex and stepped towards him, "That's the secret, grand adventure of the infamous Jack Sparrow. You spent three days lying on a beach drinking rum."

Jack squinted his eyes as if considering what you had just said, then smiled.

"Welcome to the Caribbean, love", he said, handing Elizabeth and you each a bottle of rum and walking away.

You and Elizabeth looked at the bottles in your hands, puzzled and annoyed. Rum. What was Jack's plan? That you all get drunk and forget the situation you were in? That you all simply quench the hunger, that would arise at some point, with alcohol until you passed out?

You exhaled in frustration. You were in dying need of some sea turtles to lash together for a raft. You needed to get out of here. Will depended on you. Even though Jack's harsh words from earlier hadn't been particularly motivating, they had been true: In the cruel hands of Barbossa, Will would die. And he would die very soon.

But you wouldn't give up on him. You owed him your life and you would return the favour.

But in order to save Will, you had to fulfil the promise you had given to him on the Black Pearl: you had to look after Elizabeth.

You turned to the young woman in front of you.

Elizabeth was a similar age to you and yet her face showed more childishness than you were used to seeing in your own reflection. You guessed her to be two or three years younger than you. But at the same time, her body told another story: she was beautiful, a truly charming young lady with a body as breath-taking as the one of a fully grown woman. 

However, you had already noticed that something was different about her, that something didn't quite fit. She was far too elegant, her hands too well-groomed, her face too white. If you hadn't known that she was friends with Will, a blacksmith, you would have classified her as upper class - because if there was one social group you were particularly familiar with, it was the noble-born elite; after all, you had grown up in it.

Not a Treasure of Silver and Gold - Jack Sparrow x readerWhere stories live. Discover now