𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐈𝐬𝐥𝐚 𝐝𝐞 𝐌𝐮𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐚

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When you stepped on deck the next morning, you could see Jack already standing on the quarterdeck again, in one hand the steering wheel, in the other his compass. From what you knew, this compass was really precious to him; he kept it by his side all the time. And somehow it was also the key to find the Isla de Muerta, the phantom island and location of the treasure of Hernán Cortés and the Black Pearl. From what you knew, she was the real purpose of the journey.

You walked towards the quarterdeck and ignored Gibbs who shouted instructions and distributed tasks. You had spotted your coat hanging over Jack's shoulders, and while his coat was significantly warmer than yours's, with its capped sleeves, you still assumed that the pirate would want his coat back, sooner or later. 

Your eyes wandered over his body, from your coat hanging over his shoulders, to his long sleeves loose shirt that was only buttoned halfway, to his face and his hazel eyes.

Only to find that he was already staring at you.

He smirked at your surprised expression, and you did your best to look as confident and unbothered as possible while you climbed up the stairs to the quarterdeck.

"Have you slept well, love?", Jack asked.

"I found out I'm not a particular fan of hammocks", you answered and handed him his coat, avoiding eye contact with the flirty pirate.

The events of last night were still rattling around in your head and you didn't know what to think. 

But when you held out his coat to him, Jack suddenly grabbed your outstretched arm and pulled you very close. You were startled and gasped.

Now your faces were only inches apart and you were forced to look straight into his hazel eyes. You felt Jack's hard chest against yours and your heart started to race immediately. You were so close to him, again. Just like last night, you could feel his breath and the beating of his heart, and the tingling sensation you had felt before recurred everywhere his rough yet warm hands touched your skin. 

Jack looked down on you and grinned lasciviously, and you could see his gold teeth.

"I'll always have a free spot for you in my bed if you are interested, love", he said in a low voice and without backing away even the slightest bit.

It took you a moment, but when you realized what Jack had meant, your cheeks flushed in embarrassment. As a reflex, you wriggled your arm out of his grip and pushed him away. You snatched your coat from his shoulders and muttered, "No thanks" as you stumbled nervously away.

And tripped directly into the arms of William Turner. When he had recognized you, he grabbed you by your shoulders and looked at you with a worried but also somewhat relieved expression.

"(y/n), are you alright?", he asked, "I was worried sick about you the whole night."

Your cheeks were still burning with shame, and you still hadn't processed what Jack had offered you in his lascivious ways before. Therefore, you had trouble concentrating on Will as he talked to you. But you knew that the young man in front of you had saved your life last night, so, you pulled yourself together.

"Yes, I am alright!", you answered and smiled warmly, "But only thanks to you, Will! You saved me from a horrifying death in the waves of this awful storm, and for that I owe you my life! This is a debt I'll never be able to repay!"

"Don't be ridiculous (y/n), every honorable man would have done that. You owe me nothing!", Will answered like the gentleman he was.

You were amazed by his kindness and true soul. You've only known each other for a very short period of time, a little over a day in fact, and yet he treated you very well. Just like Chris, he treated you like a little sister. Even though you were a whole year older than him. 

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