Come over?

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I was laying on my bed about to go to sleep when I got a text from a random number the text said 'hey' I read the number that sent it (828)-385-0710, could it be? I thought to myself there's no way he's texting me. 'Hi' I replied god what am I doing texting him back, he texted back almost immediately 'come over?' No no no I'm not doing this I'm not getting myself into this again 'please dove' he texted, dove, a name only he had called me, his special name for me it was my favorite thing to be called, it was my name in his phone at first and then he started calling me it.

Before I could stop myself I was in my car driving to his house. I could remember the way to his house better then I could remember my own birthday. I turned down his street looking at all the familiar houses and then I saw his, I parked outside his neighbors house because if I park in his drive way his mom would see my car and I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to here right now. I walked up to his front porch and the second I stepped on the welcome mat the door open and there he stood, Brady noon, my ex boyfriend. I couldn't see him very well it was dark but I knew it was him, I walked into his house it looked the same, it smelt the same, it felt the same. Pictures of Brady, Connor, and Maddison up on the wall, awards they had won. It was all the same. He started walking up the stairs making sure I followed, he held out his hand so I didn't fall as we had to skip over the 5th step because it creaked whenever stepped on.

We walked to his room as I stepped in I looked around everything was the same except it was a little messier and he had changed his bed sheets. One of his favorite shows played on his tv lighting up the room I turned around to look at him he looked different, a little taller, skinnier with some muscles, his hair had been freshly cut. I looked into his eyes I couldn't help myself I flung myself into his chest he immediately put his arms around me, he smelt so good, he always smelt good his cologne was the perfect smell for him, he felt the same too warm and firm.

"Hi my dove" he said softly

His voice had gotten deeper. I pulled myself out of his chest he gestured to me to sit on his bed, I sat on the edge while he sat next to me

"I thought maybe we could talk I mean we didn't really get a proper ending" he said

No we didn't get a proper ending. The reason me and Brady broke up wasn't because we fell out of love it was because we were constantly away from each other because of his acting career, and the time we did spend together we spent fighting we fought over stupid stuff and we only fought because we forgot what it was like to be together.

"Yeah sure" I said

"Listen y/n I'm sorry it was my fault we broke up I was putting my career before you and I shouldn't have I should've made more time for you I'm so sorry dove I wish I could go back and fix it, fix the way I treated you" he said his voice breaking a little

I couldn't help it I broke I started crying hearing his voice hearing him say he was sorry remembering everything we went through how I couldn't I cry

"Come on dove please don't cry" he said

He took his thumb and wipe the tears rolling down my face

"You know your to pretty to be crying especially crying over me I'm not worth your tears" he said as he pulled me closer to him and put his arms around me

"It wasn't all your fault Brady I could have tried to make it work I could've tried to work around your schedule I was just so self centered that I forgot you have stuff going on" I looked at him

He didn't say anything he just hugged me as tight as he could. My arms around his neck, his arms around my waist, my head in his chest and his in my shoulder. It felt so good to have him back in my arms, to feel his hands on my body, it was perfect, he was perfect.

"You think maybe you could give us a second chance?" He asked looking down at me

"Sure why not?" I laugh cried

He wiped the remaining tears and gave me another tight hug. We ended the night in his bed in each others arms, i forgot how much I loved this, loved the feeling of him and his bed.

"I still love you y/n I always will" he said sweetly

"I love you too"

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