First night

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I was laying in my boyfriend Bradys arms as we laid in his bed watching tv. We were about to go to sleep and I was freaking out. This was my first night staying over at his house.

Brady looked down at me realizing I was about to fall asleep

"Goodnight baby I love you" he said softly

"Goodnight I love you too" I said before dozing off

Time skip to about 2am

I woke up still in Brady's arms his room was pitch black I'm guessing his tv had turned itself off because we were watching Netflix when we fell asleep and Netflix does it's little 'keep watching?' Thing to save battery.

This wouldn't be a problem... if I wasn't terrified of the dark but I am. I hate the dark. It scares me.

I tried just stuffing my face in Brady chest hoping maybe just the presence of him would help not be afraid but it didn't I was still scared.

After that didn't work I decided to look for the tv remote but it was over on his side of the bed on his nightstand and I couldn't reach it. But at this point the darkness was starting to get to me and I needed light but I couldn't find either of our phones. I knew if I wanted light I was gonna need to wake up Brady to turn the tv back on. But I'm afraid he was gonna yell at me.

'I can't just be afraid of everything' I thought to myself. So...


I whispered shaking him lightly instead of waking up he groaned and his body tensed up

"Brady wake up" I said a little louder and shook him a little harder. This time he woke up

"Y/n baby what's wrong?" He whispered in a groggy voice

"Brady can you turn the tv on I don't like the dark" I whispered

"Yeah baby I can I'm sorry I don't know why it turned off" he said grabbing the remote

He turned on the tv and this time he didn't put it on Netflix because he knew it would turn off again this time he put it on HBO max and started playing 'South Park'

"Better?" He asked

"Yes thank you I'm sorry waking you up"

"It's okay pretty girl now I know you don't like the dark" he said

"You can go back to sleep now thanks Bray"

"I'm not going back to sleep until i know your asleep and okay"  

And with that I fell back asleep.

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