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Me and my boyfriend Brady had been standing in his room fighting for about 20 minutes. Earlier today we were hanging out with our friends and Brady was ignoring me when I talked to him and refused to hold my hand. His excuse was he was trying to talk to his friends before he has to go back to la. Which I understand but he could have at least told me that or at least held my hand while he talked to them.

"You know what Brady I'm going to bed screw this" I said as walked over to his bed and got under the covers he walked out of his room I'm guessing to go sit in Connors room or go sit on the couch.

Bradys pov

"You know what Brady I'm going to bed screw this"
Y/n said as she got in my bed. I didn't feel like talking to her so I went down stairs and sat on the couch on my phone.

After about 10 minutes I got really tired and started to feel bad for what I had done to y/n and actually realized what I had done. I walked up stairs and into my room y/n was laying on my bed on her phone when she saw me she flipped the other way, I ignored her and just got in bed I closed my eyes and tried to sleep but I couldn't, I didn't have y/n in my arms and I can't sleep without her, actually I can't do anything without her I hate to do stuff without y/n I don't like being away from her for to long either. I tossed and turned before I realized I was not gonna sleep without touching her at least a little bit, I scooted closer to her and put my body up against her to where I was spooning her.

"Listen y/n I'm sorry I know it was wrong of me to ignore you I don't know why I did it" I said

Your pov

"Listen y/n I'm sorry I know it was wrong of me to ignore you I don't know why I did it" Brady said as he laid against me but I didn't care I wasn't ready to forgive him.

"Please baby I'm sorry" he said I could hear the sorrow in his voice but I wasn't budging, about to minutes has gone by and he hadn't said anything else so I open the camera on my phone to see him behind me, as I looked at him with his eyes closed breathing lightly I started to feel bad for not letting him talk or explain and I realized I couldn't sleep without him either. Me and Brady both have really bad separation anxiety even if we in the same room or bed we have to be touching or talking it's kind of a problem because where he has to travel for acting but we manage. I turned over and out my head on his chest and tangled my legs with his I thought he was asleep but he wasn't he wrapped his arms around me and held me tighter.

"I'm sorry dove I love you" he said into the top of my head

"I love you too"

A/n I can't tell if I made this cringy or not someone lmk

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