Soccer injury

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In honor of Brady playing soccer this year ☺️

I was sitting outside of my school warming up with my teammates. Today the boys and girl's soccer teams at my school are playing against each other. I'm on the girls soccer team and my boyfriend Brady Is on the boys. Fun fact his twin brother is number 2, he's 3, and I'm number 4.

I was putting on my cleats when I got a text from Brady.

Bray🤍: hey sweet girl ik im playing against you but I still wanna come wish you good luck, meet me by the bathrooms?

Me: hi!! Sure see you in a sec


I told my coach and teammates where I was going and then headed to the bathrooms outside the school. I saw Brady standing there and Connor standing beside him I walked up to them earning a smile from both. Brady's being a bit bigger then Connors.

"Bye Brady I'll see you in a few be quick you don't wanna be late for warm ups" Connor said to his twin
"Your gonna lose y/n" he said flipping me off while walking away

"Wow can really feel the love from Connor" I laughed

"Kids to competitive" Brady laughed

"I think your worse"

Brady gets really competitive he also gets really mean so I'm kinda scared he'll forget he's playing against me and be mean to me.

"I'll be nice" he said putting his hands on my waist and kissed my head

I put my chin on his chest and looked up at him. He smiled and kissed my forehead one last time.

"Okay baby I gotta go now" he said

"Me too"

He gave me a quick peck on the lips and then we went our separate ways.

Time skip to like 15 mins into the game

The game had just started and the boys already had 5 points and we only had 2.

One of the boys Tanner had the hall and was coming our way. Me and 3 of my teammates went to go try to take it from him but when we did he accidentally kicked me in the knee. Pain shot through my leg like a bullet and before I knew it I was down on the ground holding my knee. The ref blew the whistle and him, my coach, the boys coach, and my teammates were all gathered around me. Brady ran down the field to me Connor following behind him.

"Y/n" Brady said sliding to his knees beside me

Bradys pov

I started running to y/n. Connor close behind me. When I got to her I slid onto my knees. I looked at her knee there was blood gushing down it.

My coach and her coach both carried her to the bench to bandage up her knee and we were all following behind them. As I was walking to the bench Tanner came up to me.

"Brady I promise I didn't mean to kick her" he said to me

"It's okay Tanner it was an accident" I patted him on the shoulder

"Wait really your not mad I was sure you'd beat my face into the ground for hurting her or something"

"Accidents happen she'll be okay she just might need to go to the doctor to make sure it's just a gash and not something else"  I smiled at him

After bandaging her up they ended the game since the girls were down a player. I got both mine and y/ns stuff and then help her to my car since she couldn't really walk.

Once we were both in my car I finally got a chance to make sure she was really okay.

"Are you okay?" I asked

"Yes it just hurts but it's only a cut"

I put my hand on the side of her face and felt the dried tears on her check as I ran my thumb across it. I kissed her forehead and started driving to my house. I held her hand the whole way home running my thumb over her knuckles. She put her head on my shoulder.

We finally got home and I helped her upstairs to my room. She told me she'd rather go to my house instead of hers.

We laid in my bed. She laid her head on my chest and her body in between my legs. And I ran my fingers through her hair.

"Thank you Brady" she whispered

"For what?" I asked

"Taking care of me and loving me"

"For as long as I love you I'll take care of you and I'll love you forever" I replied giving her a kiss on the forehead.

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