Groupchat pt.2

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Since I had a lot of people asking for it so here's pt.2 to yours, Brady, and connors group chat!!
Connor: Bradylookalike💀
Brady: sharedbf😻
You: twinhater☺️


Sharedbf😻: y/n are you coming to our soccer game?

Bradylookalike💀: y/n come to our game or the dog gets it 🐕🔫

Twinhater☺️: yes I'm coming I'm gonna sit with your mom. And Connor no killing dogs!!

Sharedbf😻: okay baby I'll see later!❤️

Bradylookalike💀: WE'LL see you later pookie

Twinhater☺️: okay brady❤️! And okay Connor💀


Bradylookalike💀: are you guys in Brady's room watching a movie?

Twinhater☺️: yes Connor.

Bradylookalike💀: can I come join?🥺

Sharedbf😻: no, because you used that dumbass emoji.

Bradylookalike💀: but I'm lonely 🥺 and that emoji is my favorite 🥺

Sharedbf😻: if you stop using that emoji you can come watch the movie with us. But you have to sit on the ground or at the foot of my bed.

Bradylookalike💀: coming to your room nowwww


Bradylookalike💀: guys we should get a pet turtle and share custody over it.

Twinhater☺️: OMG YES

sharedbf😻: absolutely the fuck not.

Twinhater☺️: whyyyy

Sharedbf😻: because you guys will get bored of it in a week and I'll get stuck taking care of it.

Twinhater☺️: please Brady

Bradylookalike💀: Brady if you love us you'll buy us one

Sharedbf😻: I love you both but no

Bradylookalike💀: party pooper 🚽


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