0.1. First day

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Lola's POV:

Its Monday and it's 9am. I'm late for my first day school starts at 9:25.
Fuck Fuck Fuck.
I'm not a pretty sleeper so I need more than 30 minutes get myself ready in the morning but today I only have 10; so I rushed some concealer and mascara and put on the bra and jumper which I threw across my room when I was changing last night. My bag, which I packed last night, thank god. Gave me 2 minutes to get my granola bar from my kitchen.
I then ran over to my front door.

I forgot I only had converse, my other shoes were of course in the wash. I didn't have the patience this morning so I shoved my foot, not so elegantly into my shoes and quickly laced them up and flew my bag across my back and started jogging out of my house.
I had 15 minutes to get to school on time; but it takes me 20 to walk there and there's no way my parents would consider dropping me but they were both at work anyway.

I signed in. It was 9:27, so close but the attendance woman gave me a 20 minute. Bitch. As if I wasn't having a bad enough day as my best and only friend wasn't coming in, I've had a terrible morning and just having to being Lola Jerry in general.

I was sat on the sofa in the office when a really dreamy guy came in.
He had dirty blonde hair and was wearing a grey jumper with black shorts. Bit basic not gonna lie. But who am I to talk I'm literally in pyjama shorts.

A few minutes past and I got bored of looking at the dreamy guy so I was day dreaming out of the window next to me until I heard a agitated voice whisper-shout my name. It was the attendance women shit. I gathered myself and made my way over to her desk. By the time I was at her desk I assumed Seeing as this was my first day she was going to say how I was going to be assigned to another student for the week so she can show me around n what not.

I was correct she started to say

"This will be the student who will show u around and he's..."

hold on she isn't a he. The attendance woman did just say he, wait she's on about the dreamy guy stood in front of my isn't she. Fuck.

"...welcome to our school, glad to have you Lola"

Damn I was to busy thinking about how I was getting assigned to dreamy guy I forgot to pay attention to the attendance woman and get his name. She shooed us away and Dreamy guy walked off.
Should I follow him? Does want to show me around? I'd feel pathetic going after him but even more pathetic walking around the school I've never been to, like a lost puppy.

I gave in I walked out the office to be faced with him. Leaning on the wall opposite on his phone his hair was over his eyes and he was playing with his lip, laughing. Until I cleared my throat and he looked up.

"Thought you weren't coming" he spoke, oh my god he's voice uh. I don't know what to say. I need to say something, make a noise maybe laugh?
I chose to let out a soft laugh. He smirked. HE SMIRKED. Gosh Dreamy guys looking really dreamy right now.
He got of the wall to stand in front of me I had to look up at him to meet his eyes. My body become stif and freeze up. I was stuck looking up at him until after like a second he walked down the hallway when he got to half way he was still facing away from me but he shouted
"u coming or nah?"

Shit I forgot I actually need to move, I unfroze and jogged down to him and when I got next to him.
"Sorry I'm a bit slow"
"Would've never guessed"
We both let out small laughs and we walked to our first lesson.

Finally done. First day of school completed. Started of rocky but after spending the whole day with Dreamy guy (by the way, his name is Marcus) . Plus we ended up having detention together and he was staring at me all throughout. He was also nice to me all day and even bought me lunch because

"it's my first day I shouldn't have to pay".

He's rlly sweet. I know it's only been a day but do I have a crush already? Finally things are starting to look up however why do I already know this isn't gonna end well.

                               ~~~{e .t. c}~~~
Hope you guys liked this first chapter. Any ideas just comment. What do you thinks gonna happen on Lola's second day?

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