0.3 Dad

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TW: shitty parents

Lola's POV:

I couldn't look him in the eye. I know what he saw and I know what he was thinking.

"You little slut" his palm left a painful sting across my cheek.

"How dare you disrespect me like that. How dare you disrespect your mother, going off with a boy doing God knows what and then having the nerve to step inside this household."

I just stood there. I was still shaken by the sting on my cheek but i knew nothing I said would make him change his mind. I knew he thought I was off doing something with Marcus.

"Nothing to say?No?Okay get out of my sight?

I slumped up to my bedroom and as soon as I shut the door a second wave of tears took over and consumed me.

It was dark, I scrambled around my bed to find my phone fuck it was 2:46 am. I must've fallen asleep. I creeped over to the bathroom and locked the door. I looked in the mirror and I could see the small bruise my fathers ring had left me on my cheekbone.Damn his ring doesn't usually leave a mark.


Jennie honked her horn and I came flying out my door wanting to get out of my house. I saw her little brother, Sam in the front seat so I hopped in the back and there of course was Marcus, slouched with his elbow resting on the window and his head on his hand. When I was getting into the car I noticed he was staring at me.

"What happened to your face"  hold up. I'm sorry what did he just say?

"Excuse you?"
"Your cheek?"
"What are you on about"

He leant across to touch the top of my cheek. Shit I forgot about my dad.

"Ohh that, I fell yesterday"
"I'm not believing that Lola." He shook his head and leant forward to joined in with Sam and Jennies conversation. Uh I hate it when he's smug .

It was lunch and I had the usual school lunch stuff but I left most of it I only had a bite of my apple. My head just hurts a bit from yesterday so I excused myself and went to the restroom.
I come out of the cubicle to pass Jennie who was going into one. When I walked out Marcus was waiting outside. I assumed he was waiting for Jennie so I just passed him when I felt a familiar arm wrap around my waist.

"Can you stop doing that, what if Jennie sees" I pushed his arm away but he grabbed my wrist instead.

"What happened to your face Lola"
"I already told you"
"No you didn't, why are you lying Lola?"
"Why do you care Marcus"
He was vert quiet for a few seconds. The restroom door came swinging open and Jennie wrapped her arm around his neck.
He quickly dropped my wrist and put his arm around Jennies back.

"You ready to go?"
"Uh yeh sure, what's the rush?"
"Nothing love." Marcus said this whilst staring at me, it felt like he was staring into my soul. Right through me.

Jennie squeezed my hand and walked off whilst Marcus was tickling her. She was laughing, a lot. It bothered me. But I got more things to think about, like how I'm gonna sneak out to the annual summers party.


It was about 11:25 and I was on call to Jennie we were discussing what we should wear to the annual summers party this weekend.
I want to wear my white dress which has little roses on it, whilst Jennie wants to wear her red dress that her mum bought her the other day, so she can my match my roses.
We had moved on to what sort of hair we wanted to have, but I heard my mum scream, I assumed it was at my dad again; my mum and dad fight a lot however my mum rarely screams in them. I tell Jennie I'm to tired and I need sleep so I hang up and tiptoe to the top of the banister.

"....your the worst father Ron, you can't even control your daughter going of and being a whore"

"Your not to good yourself Jackie, she takes after you, you know love"
After that I heard my mum slap my dad. I could tell it nearly wasn't as bad as when my dad slapped me yesterday but I knew my father wasn't going to take to it lightly.
Instead of listening and torturing myself even more I went to the bathroom to shut out the noise.

                              ~~~e. t. c~~~
If anyone is in a similar situation try to stay safe mls and get help.
This chapter is more about Lola's home life but also how Marcus is reacting- not forgetting he's dating Jennie though

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