0.2 Boyfriend

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Marcus' POV:

I walked into school with Jenny under my arm. It was her first day back as she was ill yesterday.
We were laughing about something her dad did when I dropped her off from our date yesterday and I noticed Lola going through her locker opposite us. She looked so beautiful with her hair up in a bun and you can tell she had hardly any make-up on. She was wearing a white jacket with a blue top and some denim shorts.
" Hey are you even listening?"
Damn I forgot I was with Jennie, she was pinching my cheek to get my attention.
" yeah course that impression was really funny"
I don't know if there was an impression, but I didn't wanna upset her. I don't think she cared as she carried on rambling.

" yeah anyways, and oh my God Lola!"

How does Jennie know Lola? Well I'm guessing she does as she's just ran up to her and pounced on her knocking her over.

Lola's POV:

I was just setting up my locker when I heard my name and then someone attacked me. I instantly knew who it was once she started kissing my face and telling me how much she missed me.

" Lola I'm so sorry I wasn't in on your first day yesterday"

" it's okay, don't worry about it"

I say as I try and reassure her, except I got sidetracked when I was I saw Marcus in the off my eye. Mainly because he had a strange expression on his face.

Marcus' POV:

I can't believe Jennie knows Lola. How?
I make my way over too where Lola was helping Jennie off the floor. I decided to help her and lift Jennie from under her arms. When doing so I noticed Lola had three extra bracelets on her right arm, compared to yesterday, making 5 and 2 on her left. I don't know why I  picked up on that but I just remembered she was wearing less yesterday.

" Marcus this is Lola; Lola, this is Marcus"

Jennie said grinning motioning to both of us. Me and Lola gave each other a very awkward smile and wave.
I don't know what to do. Jennie linked to both of our arms and started walking down the hallway.

We got to psychology and Jennie turned around, (almost wiping me and Lola out as we were walking so fast)

"Oh yeah, I forgot to say Lola meet my boyfriend and Marcus meet my best friend."

Jennie kissed my right cheek and carried on walking down the hallway.I was stunned. Did she just say Best friend?!!

Lola's POV:

Did she just say boyfriend?!! No fucking way. I don't remember her saying about a boyfriend, let alone it being Marcus!
All throughout psychology I caught him staring at me from the back of class. When the bell rang at the end I gathered my things and went to go meet Jennie when I felt a strong arm wrapping itself around my waist. Marcus had pulled me back into him protecting me from a crowd of students stampeding down the hallway, there must've been a fight or something.
Anyways that doesn't matter what matters is that my back is still pressed up against Marcus' torso and his arm is still wrapped around my waist.

"Watch where your going"  he muttered when he released me and stormed off.

I'm not sure but my mind was frozen in that moment whilst my body made its way over to the backseat of Jennies car.
Guess who was in the drivers seat.
The journey to my house was silent, except from Jennie who was belting every song on the radio (she usually does) When we arrived I rushed inside to my dad who was waiting for my in the living room. This is not going to be good.

                              ~~~e. t. c~~~
. not to sure about what to think about this chapter any thoughts?

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