0.4 beer bottle

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Marcus' POV:

Me Jennie and Tiler ( Lola's date) are waiting in the Taxi outside Lola's house as it was the annual summers party tonight. I was falling asleep in my seat when the back door opened and Lola sat down behind me. Lola was squished on the edge with Jennie next her and Tiler the other side of Jennie.

It was about 20 minutes to get to the guy who was hosting's house. And throughout the time there I could see Lola in my mirror laughing with Jennie; gosh she looks really pretty and seems happier tonight as recently she's been a-bit down.
Shit she caught me; got to admit I was looking at her for like a minute so she was bound to notice me. We locked eyes in the passengers mirror and I felt a tight grip around my bicep.
I turn to face Jennie smiling at me.

"We're here babe".  She says a with a few hiccups- she'd already been drinking when the taxi picked us up and it's starting to catch up with her.

I open the door on Lola's side and she steps out. I mean I thought she looked beautiful in the car but she took my breath away she looked amazing I nod my head, trying to snap out of it I couldn't stop staring at her, not like she was staring at me too.

Lola's POV:

I take a step inside this beach house and it was decked out with disco lights and a speaker blasting out music in the corner. I held onto Tiler (my dates arm) well he's not really my date he just asked if I wanted to go to this party and plus he was Jennies friend and I hadn't really spoke to him before.

We were walking behind Marcus and Jennie when I felt Tiler slip away and I was stranded he just left me. I was so confused. I didn't know anyone, I must've looked like a right loner so I just picked up this random beer bottle and went looking for Jennie.

"Ay what's up baby girl" This random ass guy says to me. Caressing my thigh.

"Ah nothing, I'm just gonna go to my friends" did I mention he did not look like a high schooler!

"Baby girl gimme a dance"

" no I'm okay I've got a boy friend" I say to the guy and I make my way past two people when I felt him start grabbing me in places.
I swing my arm back to hit him.... Forgetting I had a beer bottle in my hand and I just smashed it across his fucking head.

Everyone paused and I felt their eyes burning into my skin from all directions. I was in disbelief. The guy was now lying unconscious on the floor. However someone kicked him in the head and he soon got up-obviously in pain- and he disappeared deep into the crowd.
What the fuck.

" Lola are you okay?" Tiler said looking more scared than concerned.

" yeah, look I need some fresh air"

" you want me to come with you?"

I shake my head and pushed myself through to the garden what did I just do? I just didn't stop walking.
I ended up walking to the top of the sand dunes and collapsed there. My back was against the cool sand
, staring up at the stars in the sky.

                              ~~~e. t. c~~~

Can I just say Tiler was a dick ditching Lola in a party where she doesn't know anyone.

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