0.5 Sand dunes

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Marcus' POV:

I'm with Jennie and a bunch of her friends, I felt a bit out of place to be honest and I was just stood next to her sipping on my beer.
I was looking around at the party and I noticed Tiler, I think he was in middle of a game of charades. It looked like he was trying to do iron man I don't care I was scanning around him looking out for Lola and she was nowhere.

I felt a small surge of anger when I saw Tiler wasn't with Lola, as much as I hated him and him being Lola's date he should be with her. If I was him I would not leave her side.
As I march over to Tiler who was now doing some gorilla shit the surge grew and I grabbed the collar of his shirt.
" where is she?"


"Who? You know fucking who. Now tell me where she is our you'll end up through the wall in 5 seconds."

"Okay alright man chill, out she's getting some fresh air."

I dropped him and went to the garden. She wasn't there. I decide to check the sand dunes and the beach.
My anger was still surging when I saw Lola alone on the sand hugging her legs.

"Lola what the fuck."
She startled and quickly stands up. She was speechless. I reached my arm around her neck to guide her back to the beach house but instead she slapped me and made a run for it.
I was to stunned to speak but my legs instinctively start moving and before I new it I was chasing her down the sand dunes, away from the beach house- the opposite of what I had in mind.

Lola's POV:

I was running until I wasn't. I turned around to check how far Marcus was and turns out he was real fucking close because our legs suddenly intertwined and we both ended up eating shit.
I was pushed myself up from the sand but instead Marcus looped his arm around my waist and threw me over his shoulder.

" what are you doing, put me down"

"That's not gonna happen, not until we get back inside".  Okay got to admit I kinda like the fact he was carrying me but he can't know that.

"Please put me down" I plead as I realised we were getting close.

"Fine I was getting tired anyways".

He places me down and sits beside me. We sat and stared, watching the moonlight glimmer on the ocean. A few minutes past and he lit a cigarette.

"Give me a puff"

He hands me it. Bear in mind this is my first time.
I inhaled but the smoke went in all the wrong places and I started having a coughing fit.

"First timer" He said smirking at me. God him and that smirk. I roll my eyes and pass him the cig back.

"What's on your arm?"
"What are u talking about?"
"What's on your fucking arm Lola Jerry?"

He looks down at the sand then looks me dead in the eye.

"Are those what I think they are, please tell the truth"

We were looking into each others eyes and I couldn't even make a sound and respond but I can tell he understood. He took a long drag of the cig and reached out his hand gesturing for my arm. He gently held my arm and his thumb grazed my wrist, I move closer towards him as it was getting cold out.
His eyes were  glistening  and they were darting between my eyes and lips. Oh shit.

                               ~~~ e. t. c~~~
Wondering how Jennies going to react to her boyfriend and best friend sitting this close together 

Also just a PSA/This one got a little bit personal and if anyone can relate to Lola reach out  xx

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