0.6. Taxi

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Marcus' POV:

I stared deeper into her big brown eyes whilst she stared into mine. Why would she do that to herself? I want her to know I'm here for her.

" Lola you know you can talk to me about anything right?"

She doesn't answer only her eyes softened. I bring my hand caressing her soft cold cheek and I lean in placing my hand on her thigh.
At first she's tense but she loosens up and our kiss becomes more passionate. She's holding her hand around my neck and my hands pressing on her back pushing her closer to me.
We both know nothing else can happen no matter how much we want it, so we relaxed and she rested her forehead against mine.

I bring her back inside the beach house and she walks off to find Jennie. I follow.
I was only a couple of feet away when I saw them gossiping and laughing. I can't do this to them. I can't hurt Lola nor Jennie I have to break it off or it will ruin their friendship.

Lola's POV:

The taxi dropped Jennie off, which left me and Marcus alone in the car. There was this tension between Marcus and I. I can't explain it I don't understand how we where so intimate a few hours ago now he was acting like he didn't even know me.

"Yeh Marcus."
"I really care about you but I'm not sure this, what we have is for the best."

I couldn't believe my ears he was breaking things off?? The taxi pulled up I front of my house and all I could muster as a response was
" oh okay"
It probably sounded like I didn't care but I really care about Marcus he was the only person who I have had some conversation about my personal habits. And too add to how much I care about him he was my first kiss.

I slammed the door and opened my front door carefully; even though the door was shut I could her my mom and dad arguing again. I snuck up stairs and climbed into my bed.


I woke up to my mom standing over me and demanding me to wake up.

"Mom I'm getting up"
"Taking your goddam time, Jennies on the phone and the ringers driving me insane so answer it"

"Okay thanks I'll go answer in just a second"
I say as I reach down to get my hoodie. Fuck.
I forgot that I was still in my dress, luckily my mum had stormed out of my room by then so I slipped out of my dress and put on some sweats.


*voicemail* - from JENS☀️

"Hey look we need to talk later, come to mine later. Okay bye"


I knew something was up she never ends a call like that. I rush over cause it was already 2:30pm, and my dad had already had one of his daily tantrums.
This time no mark though.

I knock on her door and Marcus answers, the last person I want to see right now.

"Hey. What are you doing here?"
" just let me in"
He moves aside and I see Jennie sat on her sofa sipping an iced coffee. She was in her pyjamas plus her eyes were bloodshot.

"What the fuck happened are you okay Jen?"
"Sit down, you two Marcus"

I sit opposite her and Marcus sat beside her. When he does I notice her shuffle further away from him.

"Last night what happened?" She knows
"What do u mean?" I know exactly what she means
"Megan said when she was in the garden she saw you two."
"And? Nothing happened what are you on about?"Marcus Said sounding like he was trying to convince himself more than Jennie.

"Liar!" Jennie shot up " you kissed, you fucking kissed and you were all over her!"


"Jennie I am so sorry I was caught in the moment and forgot." I plead I stand up and take her hand.

"Yeah it meant nothing I was just really drunk"
I can't believe Marcus just said it meant nothing!

"I'm breaking up with you" she said glaring at Marcus, then she scowled at me and announced how she never wanted to talk to me again.

~~~ e. t .c~~~

I don't think Jennies reaction was harsh but she could've heard Lola out or something.

I'm also going camping so I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to post for a few days <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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