Chapter One

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*WARNING* - Not a happily ever after Marina fic.

Chapter one

It was the start of her shift in the morning. There was a blizzard happening outside, and the station was open to anyone who needs shelter.

It was around 9 am in the morning when they got a call, calling them to an accident on a bridge. When they got there Andy took control of the accident.

"Alright, Bishop, Montgomery, and Hughes with me. Grab some climbing gear and strap into a harness." Andy told them while moving to harness herself. "Everyone good?" Andy sees all three of them nod and moves to the edge of the bridge. Shit! It's almost all ice. Even with our boots, we can still slip Andy thinks.

"Guys, We need to be careful. One slip and it could be bad for all of us, okay?" Andy watched them nod. "Okay. Good. Let's go." The four firefighters make their way to the edge of the bridge. "The car is about 30 feet down." Andy keys her radio. "Gibson, Sullivan, Ruiz?"

"Yeah, cap?" Jack asked.

"Are we all good?" Andy asked, double-checking.

"Yeah, you're good Herrera," Jack told her.

"You sure, Gibson?" Andy asked, a little paranoid now.

"Captain. We're good. You need to hurry up. Snow is going to start to get heavier soon." Robert told her.

"Okay." Andy turns to Maya, Travis, and Vic. "Hughes and Montgomery, when we get down there you're going to work on getting the car door open and then we'll all work on getting them out of the ravine."

Andy, Travis, Vic, and Maya work their way down the ravine, one foot after the other, slow and steady. It took them a few minutes to get down to the car. Travis and Vic take the lead while Andy and Maya get the medical equipment ready.

"Trav? Is there more than one passenger?" Andy heard Maya ask.

"No, there's only one Bishop," Travis responded.

"Listen, snow is starting to fall harder. Work on that door. Bishop and I will work on getting the low-slope rescue rope set up and ready to go."

"Got it," Travis told her and he and Vic got to work on opening the door with the jaws of life. When they did after six minutes Travis put a neck brace around the woman's neck. "Vic, help me get her out."

"Montgomery. Wait for us to bring the basket over." Andy radioed.

Travis and Vic sighed. "Please hurry, it's freezing down here," Vic told her.

"One minute Hughes," Maya told her. Maya turned to Andy, "We have to hurry."

"I know, Bishop." Andy snapped. "Sorry. Sorry. Just freezing and I'm already exhausted."

"It's fine. Let's just get down there." Bishop told her, understanding where she was coming from since she was also cold and tired. Their shift had barely started but they had late nights with their girlfriends. They had a movie night and ended up staying up to do some...well, have mindblowing sex in the bedrooms. "It was definitely a good night."

"It was." Andy smiled and giggled as they got to the bottom of the ravine. "Alright, talk to me Hughes, how bad?"

"It doesn't look too bad. Her left arm was pinned between the seat and the door and she has cuts on her face, one that may need stitches but other than that it may just be some bruised ribs." Vic told her. Andy nods and instructs them to load her into the basket. Once they tie her in Andy instructs Travis and Vic to climb back up the hill and then lift the woman up once they reach the top.

"Hughes? You guys at the top?" Maya asked.

"We're clear, lieutenant," Travis told them, ready to pull the woman up.

"Alright, go ahead and start lifting, Montgomery." Travis and Vic and the rest of the team work on pulling her up while Maya and Andy work on packing up the med equipment and the jaws of life.

"Do we have everything, Maya?" Andy asked.

"Looks like it, Cap," Maya told her.

"Let's get the hell out of here," Andy encouraged. "Hey, want to have another movie night tomorrow after shift?"

"I'd love to. This time at your place though?"

"Sure" Andy smiled.

When the two were halfway up the hill they heard the rope start to crack.

"Oh fuck." Andy exclaimed. "Guys! We need your help pulling us up." Andy told them, rushing her words. "The rope is starting to fall apart!"

"Cap, you're good. I don't see any problems with the ropes." Ruiz told them.

"Ruiz, this doesn't look good. We may need new-" was all the rest of 'A' shift heard over the radio but they heard screams come moments later.

Sullivan grabs hold of a rope and looks over the edge and sees that both Maya and Andy had their ropes ripped on them. "FUCK!" Sullivan turned to the group. "Guys, we need to get down there now!" The rest of the team works on calling for two more aid cars and working on bringing the basket back over to the hill.

Meanwhile, down in the ravine, both firefighters were awake. Andy was whimpering. She sat up and when she saw her leg she freaked out, noticing that it was broken, bone sticking out and she also saw blood dripping onto her turnouts. She raised a hand to her forehead, and when she moved her fingers away she saw blood. Fuck. Andy thought, knowing this was bad. Oh god. Andy looked around. Noting how the rope snapped and that they were stuck. They. Andy's memory came rushing back. Oh, my god. Maya! Andy remembered. She looked around and saw Maya a few feet away from her.

"Maya? Maya, you awake?" Andy asked, slowly crawling over to her, trying to ignore how cold she was.

"Yeah, but I think I'm in trouble, Andy," Maya told her and when Andy came over she saw what Maya was talking about and she nearly threw up when she saw that Maya had a tree sticking through her stomach.

"Oh, my god," Andy said.

"That's not really helpful, Herrera," Maya said, cringing in pain.

"Maya, please hold on. You need to hold on." Andy told her, tears welling up in her eyes.

"I love you, Andy," Maya told her.

"No. No. Don't you fucking dare Bishop" Andy tried to stay strong. "Please. You need to stay strong."

"Andy, we both know this doesn't look good," Maya told her, breathing becoming harder.

"We'll get you to Grey-Sloan Maya, you'll be okay." Andy had tears falling down her cheeks. "Please. Just please hold on." Andy begged.

"Please tell Carina that I love her. That I love our baby even if she's not born yet."

"What? She's pregnant?" Andy asked, shocked.

"Andy, promise me that you'll tell her." Andy watched Maya's breathing shallow even more. "Please, Andy," Maya begged, eyes closing.

Andy whimpered and choked out, "I promise Maya." Andy began to sob. "I promise I'll help take care of them." Andy held Maya's gaze before her eyes closed. "I love you too, Maya," Andy whispered. "I'll take care of them."

I'm cruel. I know. Sorry, not sorry.

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