Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Andy's cheeks were stained with tears, re-living the event, cracking her heart even more than it already was.

I'm so sorry, Maya. I wish I could've done more.

Andy sighed and leaned further back into the hospital bed, hating life. How am I supposed to raise a child when I'm feeling like this? "Why do bad things keep happening to me?" Andy questioned aloud, not knowing there was someone in the doorway.

"They won't always." The person spoke, scaring Andy, causing her to jump up and then groan in pain. "Oh my God, I am so sorry, Herrera." The person spoke, rushing to her IV and pushing some more morphine.

"It's okay. The pain isn't too horrible." Andy looks up at the intruder, happy to see that it is Meredith and not someone else. There was a pause between the two before Andy asked the question that she'd wanted to ask since she first arrived at the hospital. "Is my leg going to be okay?" Andy asked, looking at Meredith.

Meredith nods. "It'll be fine. We just need to watch it and make sure you don't walk on it too soon or anything else that could harm it."

Andy nods. "Okay. Thanks, Mer."

Meredith smiles at Andy. "So where did Hughes go?"

"I sent her to go check in on Carina at our apartment. I don't want her to be alone right now, and I told her that I would bug you to sit with me. If I got desperate maybe even call in Amelia or Maggie. Or Link and Jo since I've gotten to know those two recently." Andy smiled.

"I can call Jo if you want. She has the day off and Link brought Luna into the daycare when she started with his shift so Jo could have the day to herself so you wouldn't need to worry about a baby in the room." Meredith watched Andy's smile slip off her face. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring that up." Meredith felt like facepalming. "I can call her if you want?"

Andy was about to reply when a third voice came from the doorway. "No need." Both Meredith and Andy look up, "I heard what happened. There's already a news story out." Jo walked into the room and closed the door. "a firefighter talked to a news reporter." Jo held out her phone for Meredith to take and as she read the story her brows furrowed.

"What? What does it say?" Andy asked, a concerned look on her face, and it wasn't until Andy tried to sit up and let out a moan that Meredith looked up from the phone. "Mer, what does it say?"

Meredith looks at Jo and then reads the article headline aloud to Andy. "Two Firefighters Down. One Survives, Leaves Other for Dead." Meredith looks at Andy and sees how horrified Andy looks.

"They said we left Maya for dead. What the hell? Maya was pulled up first."

Jo moved to the other side of Andy's bed. "Andy, the headline isn't even the worst part." Jo paused and swallowed, "It said, and I quote "firefighters tended to the captain of the house, knowing she was in more dire shape." I- "

Andy threw the blanket off of her, trying to sit up and wincing, "That isn't true! I told the whole team to pull up Maya first. I told the team that Maya was more important. I mean even look at the hospital arrival times. Maya got here 10 minutes before me!" Andy told them, eyes watering.

"Andy, Andy! We believe you! But you need to stay calm. You're still healing, and you need to be careful right now!" Meredith told her, gently pushing her down on the bed and covering her body back up.

"Does it say anything about who the firefighter was?" Andy asked, running a hand through her hair.

Jo nodded. "Andy, I don't think this is something you should be thinking about right now though. You need to heal right now. Not be thinking about work."

"I need to know which firefighter completely betrayed me and the department by spreading those lies," Andy told her.

Meredith and Jo looked at each other. "Herrera, I get you want to know everything about the situation going on right now, but you need to just relax and heal. You want to leave by tomorrow, right?" Meredith listened to the firefighter sigh and just nodded her head, seemingly giving up for now. "We'll let you get some rest, and when I say rest, I mean get some damn sleep. You need all the energy you can get right now."

"I know. Fine. Please send anyone away who tries to visit me. Besides Vic, I mean." Andy told her, making sure it was known that she didn't want to see anyone except for her wife at the moment.

Meredith nods, turns the lights off and leaves the room with Jo. Leaving Andy in the room alone.

Wasn't sure how to end this chapter, I do already have ideas for the next one though. PS we ALL know who the firefighter is. Thanks for reading. 

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