Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

So, This is meant to be a Carina-based story and I am just so used to writing Andy so please don’t give up on this story if you’re a Carina fan, it’ll start to be more about her either towards the end of this chapter or definitely the next chapter.

Also, I’m a fucking dumbass calling Maya and Carina girlfriends in earlier chapters, my apologies.

“Hey, let’s get you up to the apartment and settled before you have to do that big interview.” Vic kissed her forehead and Andy nodded, tearing up. “Hey, baby, what’s wrong,” Vic asked.

“It was Theo that did this, wasn’t it?” 

Vic looked up at Carina with a confused look on her face and Carina’s expression matched hers. “What are you talking about, babe?”

Andy frowns. “You guys haven’t seen the news? It’s the whole reason for this interview.”

“What news are you talking about?” Cariana asked and Andy looked at her with confusion in her eyes.

Andy turned to look at Jo and Meredith. “How did you two find out about it but they haven’t?”

Meredith and Jo look at each other. “Well, I was on my phone and was scrolling through new news when I saw it. We don’t know who the firefighter was though.”

“Can someone tell me what the hell is going on?” Vic asked, quickly getting more concerned.

Meredith, seeing that Andy couldn’t get a word out and that Jo didn’t look like she was going to say anything, so she spoke up.

“There was a firefighter who spoke to the press about what happened. They said some things that are less than true which is why we scheduled this interview. We thought you guys knew. That’s why we wanted it to be here and not at the hospital.” Meredith told them, running a hand through her hair.

Vic’s mouth opened but Carina was the one who asked the question she and, probably, Vic were thinking.

“What was said in the article, Dr Grey?”

Meredith looks at Andy and when she sees her nod she explains. “In the article, it was said that Andy told the crew that 19 should help her out before helping Maya.” Vic gasps and Carina looks at Andy, whose head is down and back up to Meredith.

“I haven’t been told what happened so can someone please tell me,” Carina asked, crossing her arms.

Andy looked up, disbelief showing on her face. “You don’t actually think that’s true right?”, Vic asked, resting a hand on Andy’s shoulder.

Carina shakes her head right away. “No. No of course not. But I have yet to learn what actually happened.”

Andy was about to tell her the sad tale when she heard a knock on the door, and she sighed, knowing it was the news crew people.

“I guess you’re about to find out,” Andy told her, sighing and asking Vic to move her to the couch while Meredith went to the door to let the reporter inside.

When Andy saw the camera and mics she began to panic, realizing how real this was becoming and how much she hated it. Vic saw this and moved in front of her girlfriend, resting her hands on her thighs.

“Hey, Andy.” Andy wouldn’t look at her, so Vic brought a finger under Andy’s chin and made her girlfriend look at her. “it’s going to be okay. We’ll be here with you every step of the way. Especially me. I promise, Sweetheart. You’re not going to be alone in this.” Vic told her, pulling her into a quick hug and letting go.

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