Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Carina shook herself out of the memory and put a hand over her stomach.

"We'll get through this baby. You and me."

Carina was alone in the room with her wife's dead body for several more minutes before Meredith came back in.

"Carina, I'm sorry to interrupt but I need you to come and check on a patient." Carina looks ready to protest and Meredith shows her the patient's chart.

"They finally did it?" Carina let a smile slip on her face when Meredith nodded.

"Thing is, I don't know if this will hurt her more since Maya was a big part of her life and she helped her."

"Either way, she's hurting right now and I think she needs to know," Carina told her. "I'll go talk to her." Carina gets off the chair by the bed and walks to Andy's room. When she walked in she saw Andy wrapped in Vic's arms, tears still falling.

"Andy? I need to talk to you," Carina spoke softly.

"About what?" Andy asked, voice scratchy.

"I need to talk to you about your HCG levels," Carina said, not dancing around the topic.

Andy and Vic look at each other.

"Wait." Vic sat up. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

"I am. Andy, you're pregnant!" Carina expected Andy to smile or celebrate but Andy just broke down in tears. No. Now now. I can't be. Andy thought.

"How far along is she?" Vic asked, grasping Andy's hand.

"From these results, about 9 weeks. It's a little early, but I'd like to do an ultrasound now though. Just to make sure the accident didn't do any harm to the baby" Carina told Andy.

Andy just nodded, looking exhausted.

"I'll be right back. Just going to go grab the ultrasound machine and we'll get started." Carina told her, leaving the room.

Vic looked at Andy and brushed some hair away from her face, tucking it behind an ear. "Andy, I know this is horrible timing for good news but don't forget how much we've wanted this." Vic kisses Andy's forehead.

"Vic, I know. I just, it's such shit timing."

Vic nods and squeezes Andy's hand as Carina walks back in, eyes still red.

"Carina, we don't have to do this now. I know this is horrible timing."

"Andy, we need to make sure the fall didn't hurt the baby. I understand the timing of this is horrible, but we need to do this." Carina watched Andy nod and started the exam. Andy pulled her shirt up so Carina could put some gel on her stomach and used the wand to look for the baby. "Okay...I see 10 toes, 10 fingers." Carina smiled. "It looks like everything's okay, Andy. there's no need to worry about any after-effects from the fall." Carina wiped the gel off of her stomach after she printed a couple of pictures for Vic and Andy.

"Carina, I have a question." Carina hummed. "Wouldn't I have realized I was pregnant before now? Like, have morning sickness?" Andy asked, confused.

"Morning sickness does normally happen in the first trimester but it can be delayed until around the nine-week mark," Carina explained and watched the couple nod.

"Thank you, Carina. We appreciate you doing this for us." Vic said, smiling despite the circumstances.

"It's no problem. I should get going. I need to get home. I can't be here any longer." Carina told them.

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