Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

"I know. Fine. Please send anyone away who tries to visit me. Besides Vic, I mean." Andy told her, making sure it was known that she didn't want to see anyone except for her wife at the moment.

Meredith nods, turns the lights off and leaves the room with Jo. Leaving Andy in the room alone.

Andy couldn't sleep. She tried for hours but couldn't get her brain to shut off. It had to be Theo. No one else at the station is as mad as him that I got captain.

Andy gets an idea in her head and pushes her call button. It only takes a few moments for a nurse to come into the room.

"Can I help you with something?" Andy nods. "What is it?"

"I know this is an odd request, but I need you to get a news crew here. There's something I need the public to know." The nurse looked skeptical. "Please. There's a news article from a fellow firefighter that says that I got special attention because I'm a captain and let my lieutenant die. Which isn't true." Andy watched the nurse nod.

"Just give me a few minutes. I have rounds so I'll try to get Meredith or Jo to do it since they have a slower day." Andy nods and watches her leave.

She put her head back onto the pillow, just thinking about how messed up this whole situation is. It was a couple of minutes later when she heard footsteps and looked up to see both Jo and Meredith with Bailey following.

"Uh, I only expected one of you to come. What's going on?" Andy studied their faces. "Why does everyone look so serious?"

All three doctors looked at each other and Meredith was the one that spoke up. "Andy, we understand that you want to set the record straight but are you sure you want to do this when you're just healing now?"

"Yes." Andy didn't hesitate.

Meredith nods. "Okay, well first, let's get you changed out of the gown and into some proper clothes before anyone from a news crew comes." Andy nods and sits up with the guidance of Miranda and Jo. "Slowly, Andy. You don't need to injure yourself any further." Meredith scolded her. Andy blushed.

"Sorry, Mer," Andy told her, slowly swinging her body to the edge of the bed.

"Alright, this may be painful and awkward, but we have seen you with no clothes on so please don't squirm around too much, okay?" Andy nods, "We'll start with a shirt. That sound, okay?" They watch as Andy nods again and starts to take the gown off of her.

It takes them a couple of minutes to get a t-shirt over Andy's head and then they move on to put shorts on her, figuring pants would be a bad idea since she had a full-leg cast on one leg. Once they were done, they moved her into a wheelchair and Jo bent down while Meredith and Miranda went to get her medical records along with Andy's.

Jo bent down and looked at Andy. "Andy, we have scheduled a news crew to come to your apartment in a few hours. Is that okay? Will it be enough time to get settled?" Jo watched Andy nod her head and Jo sighed. It seemed like most of Andy's actions lately were just her nodding. "Alright, let's get you out of here." Jo gave Andy a small smile just as Meredith came back.

"Where's Miranda?" Andy asked, looking for Ben's wife.

"She had to go and do rounds." Meredith walked into the room and grabbed Andy's bags. "I have your medical records along with Maya's. They have time stamps on them, and I'll be beside you during the interview." Meredith saw Andy about to protest and raised a hand. "No. No arguments allowed. This is the deal." Andy smirked at the bossy tone Meredith was using and nodded.

"Fine. Deal." Andy sighed.

Meredith gestured for Jo to push Andy's wheelchair while she carried the paperwork and grabbed crutches on the way out. When they got out of the hospital Andy covered her eyes with an arm when the sun hit her eyes and whimpered when she came in contact with her cut. Jo noticed and stopped pushing and went into her bag. She grabbed a bottle of water and a couple of pain meds and handed them to Andy. Andy quickly took them and held onto the bottle until they got to Meredith's van.

"So how are we doing this?" Andy asked, nervous about how awkward she would need to be sitting to have her leg elevated. "there's no way I'm going to be comfortable during this ride, am I?" Andy asked, running a hand through her hair.

Andy watched Meredith and Jo look at each other. "I'm sorry Andy, but no." Meredith opened the trunk and put the crutches in and then opened a back seat door for her. "Alright, look. We're going to slide you in, so you'll be laying across all three seats. It'll be uncomfortable and awkward but it's the only way to do this." Andy groans and then nods. "Alright, let's do this Jo."

Meredith and Jo worked together to slide Andy in. It took a good five minutes to do so, and when they were done Meredith handed the paperwork to Jo as she herself slid into the passenger seat. Meredith folded the wheelchair up and put it in the trunk and then moved to the driver's side of the van.

"Andy, hold on, okay? I'll try to avoid any potholes or bumps, but I can't guarantee it." Meredith looked at Andy through the car mirror. "I'm just glad your apartment is only a 10-minute drive." Meredith said, trying to lighten the mood but dropped the smile when she realized it was a dumb move.

As Meredith said it was only a 10-minute drive to Andy's apartment and when they stopped Andy froze. Jo noticed.

"What's wrong, Andy?"

"Did anyone tell my wife and Carina what's going on?" Andy asked, concerned about how they would react.

"Miranda called Vic about half an hour ago. You don't need to worry. They already know." Jo told her, reaching back to rest a hand on her knee.

"Okay," Andy sighed. "Can you guys help me get out please?"

"No. We were planning on leaving you in here" Meredith deadpanned, and Andy glared at her.

"Ha ha." Andy fake laughed and watched as they both got out of the seats and opened the back door, carefully making sure she didn't fall back. Jo went to grab the wheelchair while Meredith rubbed her back, trying to comfort her as best she could.

When Jo came back around Meredith got ready to lift her out of the car but double-checked with Andy and when she received a nod, she took that as her cue to take her out. It took a couple of minutes but once she got her into the chair Meredith went around the van and grabbed the crutches from the back while Andy had the paperwork on her lap.

"You ready to see them, Andy?" Meredith and Jo watched her breathe out and then nod her head. "Alright, let's get going then." Andy didn't respond so Meredith pushed her chair while Jo carried the crutches.

When they got inside the building, they made their way toward the elevator and when it opened, they saw Vic in it.

"Hey, let's get you up to the apartment and settled before you have to do that big interview." Vic kissed her forehead and Andy nodded, tearing up. "Hey, baby, what's wrong." Vic asked

"It was Theo who did this, wasn't it?"

This chapter came out of nowhere lol. I love it when I start writing and I actually end up liking what I write.  

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