not an update. plz read anyways

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Question; Andy pregnant, yes or no. I know I have her as pregnant in this story but I wanna do another story more based on Andy since this is gonna be a Carina centric story(as mentioned a couple times in the past) Andy would be with Robert or I could even write Ryan as alive. OR I write a story based on Robert dying and then Andy finding out she's pregnant soon after.

I know. I know. "Madison, you have 20+ other stories to update. Stop writing new ones." Is what you're probably thinking, BUT IDEAS JUST KEEP COMING TO ME, OKAY? I CAN'T HELP IT. Especially when no one else writes Andy centric stories anymore.😭

Please reply and let me know. ❤️🫶🏻

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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