Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

I'm cruel and this time I do apologize for the chapter.

"Please tell Carina that I love her. That I love our baby even if she's not born yet."

"What? She's pregnant?" Andy asked shocked.

"Andy, promise me that you'll tell her." Andy watched Maya's breathing shallow even more. "Please, Andy," Maya begged, eyes closing.

Andy whimpered and choked out, "I promise Maya." Andy began to sob. 'I promise I'll help take care of them." Andy held Maya's gaze before her eyes closed. "I love you too, Maya," Andy whispered. "I'll take care of them."

Andy was still crying over Maya's body when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up with watery eyes, cheeks still wet from the tears to see who was there and when she saw Vic she started to sob again when Vic wrapped her arms around her.

"Take Maya first," Andy said, and when she saw they were about to protest. "Captain's orders," Andy said in the most commanding voice she could come up with in the moment and the team looked at each other and followed her order.

The team got Maya into the basket and lifted her up. Travis and Ben started to work on her in the aid car while Ruiz drove. Meanwhile, they were setting Andy's leg and working on getting the basket back down to lift Andy up. Andy just continued to cry throughout the whole process. She's dead. She's fucking dead and It's my fault. Andy sniffles. Carina is going to hate me. Andy thinks. She hears the team say that she's ready to go and they rush her to the other aid car that showed up.

When she gets into the aid car she can feel Vic holding her hand and Jack is working around her. Checking Andy's vitals and checking the cut on her forehead.

"Four minutes out," Sullivan called out from the driver's seat.

"Hear that, babe? We're almost there." Vic said, squeezing Andy's hand.

"Yeah. Great. I'll have to face Carina." Andy said, tears falling from her cheeks. "I have to tell her that Maya- that Maya is." Dead. Andy thinks about what she can't bring herself to say aloud.

"Andy." Vic looks at her with concern.

"Don't. I don't need pity." Andy said, looking away from Vic.

"Ans, I can be there when you tell her if you want?" Andy looks at Vic and nods.

They were just arriving at the hospital and Jack and Vic were getting ready to lower Andy out of the aid car when they were met by Meredith, Amelia, and a couple of residents.

"Herrera, how many times do I need to tell you that we need to stop meeting like this." Meredith jokes but her smile drops when she doesn't get a witty retort from her favourite firefighter. "What's going on? Did someone die or something?" And that's what it took for the floodgates to open and Andy started sobbing and Meredith looked up in horror at the three other firefighters. "Someone did die?" Meredith asked as a horrified expression washed over her face. "Who?"

"Lieutenant Bishop." Andy managed to whisper.

Meredith was shocked. "Has anyone told Carina?" She saw the four firefighters shake their heads when Ruiz, Montgomery, and Warren came up to the group.

"No. We decided Andy should do it." Warren told her. "Dr. Hunt and he said that he would page Carina. Was a few minutes ago. Told us she was in an emergency C-section."

Meredith nods. "I need everyone to clear out." Meredith saw Vic about to protest. "Vic, You're fine to stay, just let us work and we'll be fine." Vic nods and lets Dr. Grey get a portable ultrasound to check for any internal bleeding and then had Amelia check her head wound and stitched it up since it was still bleeding and then Link came in to put a past on her leg, which he confirmed as broken.

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