v. ▬▬ a system

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005 ▬▬ A SYSTEM
𓄲 ࣪˖ 𓏲 › 3.4K WORDS

if I'm honest i know i would give it all
back / for a chance to start over / and
rewrite an ending or two / for the girl
that I knew

WAITRESS, ❛ she used to be


(rewritten jul. 06, 2024 )


Nerissa rubs the sleep out of her eyes as she stares at her brother's old friend with a look of annoyance. She's wrapped up in a fuzzy, white robe provided by the house to battle the chill in the rooms. The incessant knocking woke her up, while Coralie remains fast asleep. Between the three siblings, the youngest has always been a heavy sleeper with snores that reach all corners of the house no matter where you are.

Before her stands Luca Marinho in his checkered button-up shirt that's opened to reveal a white tank-top underneath. He shivers slightly when a cool breeze welcomes him in the cloudy morning, which muddles down his golden skin. "Hey, Tippy Toes." The old nickname brings a slight warmth to her cheeks. She always asked Marion and Luca to stop and watch the newest move she learned. But on a day as miserable as this, Nerissa can't find it in her heart to offer a lighthearted response.

"What do you want?" The question comes off more sternly than intended.

"How's the Victor life?"

Nerissa scoffs. "I've barely been home for two weeks, and you're asking about my life?"

Luca stares down at his shoes. "Right," he says.

A silence follows before she speaks up again, "Luca." He immediately meets her eyes. "What do you want from me?"

He lets out a heavy sigh before answering. "Your Pa's shop," Luca begins. "I mean, I've been runnin' it for a while, you know? And I know you're-- I know it's hard, I lost my sister in the Big One too, but we gotta keep goin', right? And, well, the shop--"

"Have it."

Luca furrows his brows. Even she looks confused at the words that escape her lips. "What?" he asks.

"I dunno how to run it," she admits shamefully, "and the shop's important to the Boardwalk. Take it, and move into the house if you wanna. I don't-- we can't go back there again. Hope you understand."

"I mean, I do, but are you sure?" he chides. When she nods impatiently, he reaches out to put a hand on her shoulder, but she takes a step back. "I'm here if you need anything, you know?"

can't remember to forget you  ✶  finnick odair (revising)Where stories live. Discover now