●○chapter 7○●

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A/N: now, now, this chapter is very short, but i could not continue as I thought the continuation of the story would be better in another chapter.

Also, the last ship to Valinor was with Galadriel and the others and then Gimli and Legolas build a boat together, BUT I  didn't want Nulian to leave with Galadriel so let's just imagine it was one of the last boats, and she left with like 2 elves or something lol


"It's like you made flowers grow in my lungs, and although they are beautiful, I can not breathe anymore"


They stayed, there, in the middle of the forest, wrapped in each other's arm knowing it was time to part, even if it wasn't forever. They both had an aching heart, they craved each other's touch and affection. They loved each other, like the moon and stars, like the sunshine and the blue sky.
In the silence, in the wind, they understood each other, and he gripped her even tighter. They stayed there for a long time, wishing it would last forever. It was under the sun, and the shade of the leaves, that they pressed they're lips together, passionately, and her tears fell down her face.
Her hands tangled in his blonde hair, his hands on her waist, they forgot everything but their touch for a moment.
And as their lips parted, to have air, they would look at each other, with so much sorrow but love.

He wiped her tears, that fell like a waterfall. They did not need words to understand each other. They stared in their eyes.

"I wish I could leave with you, but it is too loud now" she whispered as she stared in his beautiful eyes.

"I will see you there, I promise. I will come and find you, and we will be together. My starlight, my love"
He grinned, he loved her with so much passion. Oh yes, he admired her so greatly, he loved her so much, that he would go above and beyond for her.

And as they walked holding their hands, Nulian's head placed on his shoulder, they felt safe, warm, loved.
And it was this night, when she looked by the balcony, the horizon, hearing the waves. The seagulls were screaming, calling her name.
She smiled, and Legolas wrapped his hands on her waist behind, placing his chin on her shoulder.

"I will miss her more than anyone. I don't know how I will manage to do it" she sighed, as she looked to the sky, not wanting the tears to fall.

Cersei was the most precious person she had ever met. She was such a kind soul with so much love in her. She was the one who made the waves less loud. She was the one who made the seagulls stop screaming for a minute. She was the one who made her smile in her tears.
She was the one who made her keep going. She was the one who listened to her stories for hours. She was the one who would serve her tea just like she liked and she would do it a thousand time again if it she was not completely satisfied with it. She was the one who would hold her in her arms for as long as she needed.

She was the one who was there for her, and she will always be in her heart.

As Cersei opened the door, Nulian ran and wrapped her arms around her. She sobbed.

"How will I do without you?" Nulian cried.

"Don't look behind, I am always with you" she answered as a tear left her eye.

And as she waved goodbye to all, she gripped her clothes.

Cersei gave her an album, that she had created only for her. She looked through the pages of the book, and there, were plenty of drawings and paintings. She had made a page of the Company, and there, Bilbo wrote something for her.

"Dear Nulian, your sister has bid me to write you a Farewell letter. I regret not being able to know you better, however, my sweet nephew Frodo, has told me many good things about you. Thank you for always protecting him. I suppose I will see you on the other side of the sea; hopefully, there, we will be able to have all the time in the world to become great friends"

and on the last page, Cersei wrote a letter of her own.

"To Valinor you will now sail. I write this as you stare at the sea, The call of the Undying Lands has echoed in your soul for far too long - so be free!
Board the ship and don't look back.
What awaits you are vast green fields, magnificent mountain peaks, and many, many more stories to live through. I wish I could listen to them. But this is your adventure and yours only.
You will sail across the sea and find joy in your life. Don't look so sad!
I love you and will love you, my dear sister. When I die, I will try to haunt you, so that you may never forget me. In case than plan fails, keep this album, and look into it when memories of us becomes hazy. Do not fear what is ahead"

And Nulian read it, with tears of sadness falling down like never before. She sobbed, not looking behind as her sister said.

In her album, she wrote something too before leaving to the sea.

"The sea is calling me, but it is so loud in my ears that I do not hear the howls of the wolves"

She had also bid Farewell to her pack. Nulian had a life, where she had to grieve perhaps too much. She would lose a wolf from the pack very often, despite there being new ones. She would mourn, and needed to mourn again. It was heart- breaking even after she would accept it. But now, she would leave the pack that she knew since the beginning of her journey as a skinchanger.


"It's hard to turn the page when you know someone won't be in the next chapter, but you must move on"

Everything that was wrote by Cersei and Bilbo is actually wrote by my sister, and what Nulian writes is my own creation too. The two quotes at the beginning and the end are from Pinterest, I do not take any credit for them.

Thank you for reading :))

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