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Synopsis: Shortly after beginning their search for the Dimensional Keys to free Bolo, the Team Squad find themselves trapped inside a ship inhabited by happy beings who put them inside their own fantasies. However, Gary Goodspeed not only uncovers the true nature of the place, but must endure the consequences for having lost the Earth...



"After being rescued from a lonely death in outer space by a garbage collecting ship, our hero Gary reunites with HUE, and Little Cato, only to find out that they are now the (il)legal property of Clarence, and his adoptive children, Ash and Fox! Gary, and his friends try to earn their freedom by stealing a magic energy cube during the race known as the Toro Regatta! God, was that race dark! I mean, racers kept trying to kill us! Not to mention one of them was a freakin' robot! Anyways, we managed to win the race, and bring the cube to Clarence, only for him to ultimately screw us over! Furthermore, the cube turns out to be one of these five mysterious items known as Dimensional Keys that Bolo wants us to bring to him so that he can be freed from his prison, and we can hopefully enter Final Space to rescue Quinn! Speaking of which, we reunited with her future hot self Nightfall, and our good pal, Mooncake! Plus, the Lord Commander finally bit the dust! Good riddance, d*ckwad for ripping off my arm! Oh yeah, and HUE has a new body now. Lots of crazy stuff, man!"




The Crimson Light is seen travelling through space.

Gary Goodspeed: We need to get this ship out of Clarence's clutches once and for all. (to Nightfall, K.V.N., H.U.E., Mooncake and Little Cato) Any ideas?

Mooncake: Chookity pok. Chookity.

Gary Goodspeed: (to Mooncake) Ugh! That might be the most disgusting thing I have ever heard.

Clarence walks by the bridge.

Clarence: Your incivility is only exceeded by your buffoonery. "his arm sticks out" Bango. Got him.

Nightfall: Give me a blaster and five minutes, and I'll assassinate that slimy little hobgoblin.

Little Cato: I got it.

K.V.N.: "as Gary pushes him out of the way" Ooh.

Gary Goodspeed: What's the plan?

Little Cato: They say the ship belongs to them.

Gary Goodspeed: Yes.

Little Cato: We know it's ours.

Gary Goodspeed: Yeah?

Little Cato: Time to reclaim this property the Ventrexian way. "cracks his knuckles"

Gary Goodspeed: "confused" And how is that done?

Little Cato: Trust.

Little Cato runs out of the bridge.

Gary Goodspeed: Okay. (to Nightfall) What did I just agree to?

Little Cato is shown to have urinated all over one of the rooms offscreen.

Little Cato: Mission accomplished.

Gary Goodspeed: "climbing down the ladder" Mission accom- Oh! "sniffs, and reacts in disgust" Oh! It smells like- Oh! Did you just p*ss all over the ship?

Little Cato: That's how you claim territory where I come from.

Gary Goodspeed: By p*ssing everywhere? "chuckles" You brilliant rascal.

Final Space: The Novelization: Season TwoWhere stories live. Discover now