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Synopsis: Nightfall attempts to bring the past back to life. Unfortunately, this leaves the Team Squad powerless against a pack of evil K.V.Ns...




"Boy, did the Team Squad have a history lesson last episode! What I'm saying is, Gary and his crew went on a mission to rescue Mooncake from the clutches of a bunch of giant spider robots named the Arachnitects. When we finally reached them, they revealed the true origins of the Titans, how they were poisoned by a malevolent entity named Invictus, and that Mooncake was created out of particles from Final Space. After convincing the Arachnitects to let us take Mooncake back, we continue our journey to seek the remaining dimensional keys! And maybe, get back the one key my backstabbing mother took from us!"




The episode opens with the Crimson Light journeying through space. Inside, H.U.E. and Mooncake walk past an open room, and stop upon hearing electricity cackling from a button labeled "Press here".

H.U.E.: Ooh.

Mooncake: Chookity pok?

H.U.E. and Mooncake approach the button, and see the spray painted words reading "KEEP AWAY".

Mooncake: (to H.U.E.) Chookity?

H.U.E.: Hmm. You're right. That sign does say, "Keep away", but the button says, "Press here". Only an idiot would press it.

H.U.E. and Mooncake leave the room, as K.V.N. arrives, and sees the button.

K.V.N.: Ooh! "spins and flies towards the button" "Keep away" signage! That's one of my top five favorite kinds of signage. And a "press here" button! That's one of my top five favorite kinds of buttons.

K.V.N. presses the button.

K.V.N.: Press!

The Crimson Light shakes, as the power flickers. A capsule next to K.V.N. opens.

K.V.N.: Hmm?

K.V.N. looks inside, and another K.V.N. rolls out.

K.V.N.: "rubs his eyes" Huh? "taps the K.V.N., and he gasps as it awakens"

The K.V.N. climbs out of its capsule, and looks at K.V.N..

K.V.N.: No way! It's a me!

K.V.N. 2: Hey!

K.V.N.: Hey, K.V.N..

K.V.N. 2: Hey, K.V.N..

K.V.N.: What are you doing here? Are you going to keep me from going insane?

K.V.N. 2: Only if you keep me from going insane first!

K.V.N.: Okay, let's embrace the chaos!




Gary, and Nightfall are seen laughing as they push the buttons in the bridge.

Nightfall: What do you think this button does?

Gary Goodspeed: I wouldn't press that. "laughs" That is a dangerous button.

Nightfall: Too late.

Nightfall presses the button, triggering the alarms, as Little Cato is seen carrying a box of supplies.

Little Cato: Um...

The airlock opens, and Little Cato screams as he grabs on to a nearby railing to avoid getting sucked out into space.

Final Space: The Novelization: Season TwoWhere stories live. Discover now