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Synopsis: The Team Squad must race to save Mooncake when he is kidnapped by mysterious entities. After finally confronting them, they learn that there is more history to the Titans than they know off... Meanwhile, Tribore leaves the Team Squad to build up the Resistance.




"Gary and his allies broke into an intergalactic prison to rescue his mother before she can be sent off for execution. After rescuing her, Gary's mother ropes her son into helping her pull of a heist to steal a gem, which wound up turning out to be the third dimensional key! Unfortunately, Gary not only loses his mother again, but she takes that key with her. D*mn b*tch. Oh, and Mooncake went on an eating binge. Dramatic stuff."




The episode opens with the Crimson Light parked on a snowy planet. Tribore is then seen giving his goodbyes to the Team Squad.

Tribore: "looking away from the Team Squad" Don't shed tears for me.

Gary Goodspeed: We don't even know what you're doing.

Tribore: I'm leaving. The old world needs to rise from the ashes like a bedazzled phoenix. My senses tell me undisclosed dangers are growing, undisclosed dangers are brewing! I must rebuild the Resistance so we can resist the Uprising against the Insurgency who's resisting the Rebellion against the Insurrection.

Gary Goodspeed: ... What?

Tribore: No tears!

Gary Goodspeed; I wasn't even tr-

Tribore: "gazing at the stars" Look towards the stars at the rising dawn. The Resistance will be there. And Tribore will be there, leading it.

Tribore marches off into the snowy landscape, as the Team Squad look on in confusion. Tribore stands on top of a mountain, and removes his hood. He looks around his surroundings, and flies off on a purple eagle-like creature.

Tribore: "monologuing" And so my story begins... A blood moon rises. I seek others. Companions. Warriors. To heed the calling. And, like myself, we will be...

Tribore leaps off the eagle creature, and fires his blasters as he plummets, and lands, with birds flying around him.

Tribore: "monologuing" ...irresistible.

The camera cuts to black.




The alarms are seen blaring, and the camera zooms down, as Gary Goodspeed and Mooncake charge out the doors, and rush down the hallway.

K.V.N. tries to greet them, only for Gary to kick him out of the way, and high five H.U.E..

They rush past a corridor, as Nightfall joins them, and they travel up the shaft. Gary's determined face turns to surprise, as Little Cato flies down the shaft, giving thumbs up signs.

Gary, Nightfall, H.U.E., Mooncake, and Little Cato run out of the shaft, and run past Ash, and Fox, who promptly follow them, with Ash activating her powers, and Fox charging up his arm cannon, with K.V.N. carrying H.U.E.. Fox, and Ash fire through the door, destroying it, as they and the others rush through, before Tribore soon appears in the smoke.

Everyone then rushes into the bridge, and man their positions, with Gary sitting on the pilot's seat, only for Clarence to appear, and lie down on Gary's lap, much to his annoyance.

The Crimson Light flies past the camera, and through the logo for "Final Space: The Novelization: Season Two", which is made out of black marble.

The logo then flashes, transitioning to a black screen with words reading "Based off the television series, "Final Space" by Olan Rogers".

The Crimson Light then appears, and flies through the text, and past the camera, replacing the words with "Novelized by Rh390110478 (Rylan H. Smith)". The screen then fades to black.

H.U.E. broadcasts a movie of a screaming alien family in flames in his chest, as their home is attacked.

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