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Synopsis: Gary, and the Team Squad work to break an inmate out of an intergalactic prison. However, she's not just any inmate. She's Gary's mother.....


"Hoo, boy! Last episode was a time twister! To make a long story short, the Crimson Light took a literal trip through time, when half the ship was trapped within a floating time shard, leaving Little Cato, Nightfall, HUE, AVA, KVN, Tribore, and Clarence stranded 60 years into the future. But as it turned out, Little Cato was the only one stranded, and he imagined the others in his head. Thankfully, we successfully managed to break him out, and get him back to his normal age. Sadly, the same couldn't be said for his sanity."


The episode opens with Gary, and the others riding through a snowy planet on creatures who look suspiciously like tauntauns from the "Star Wars" franchise. They then arrive to a large building, and get off their rides, as Little Cato hooks up the power cells to one of the creatures.

Little Cato: Power cells for the ship, check. Still alive, check. We did it, Gary!

Gary Goodspeed: Slow down, Little Cato. The party starts when we find these dimensional keys. AVA, we're on our way.

A.V.A.: Really? Because that's the fourth time now you've said that.

They get back on their rides, and take off through the snowy field. They come across three figures standing in the distance.

Tribore: Do we have company? "he, and the others pull out their guns" We do.

Little Cato: Raiders?

Figure 1: Are you Gary Goodspeed?

Tribore gets off, and removes his hood.

Tribore: I'm Tribore, the leader of the resistance. I admire your furs!

Figure 1: Not you, "points to Gary" him!

Gary Goodspeed: What if I am?

Figure 1: We have business with him.

The figures remove their masks, and reveal themselves to be the DeWinter family.

David DeWinter: "holds out Gary's severed arm, and shakes it" Recognize this?!

Gary Goodspeed: Oh, no. Is that my- my arm!

David DeWinter: Melanie! We avenge you!

The DeWinters activate their jetpacks, and open fire on Gary, and the others as they flee for their lives.

Little Cato: (to Gary) Why are they after you?

Gary Goodspeed: I wore the skin of their dead mother. It's a long story, alright? Actually, that's- Well, that's all of it.

Tribore: You're a skin-stealer. I'm with the DeWinters on this one.

David DeWinter: "to his kids" Quit missing them!

DeWinter Child 1: I'm gonna kill mommy.

DeWinter Child 2: No, I'm gonna kill mommy!

Gary Goodspeed: A.V.A.! A.V.A.? Nightfall! Anyone?! We need help here!

Nightfall receives Gary's transmission.

Nightfall: "transmission" Gary, raiders?

Gary Goodspeed: Much worse... DeWinters!

Nightfall rushes into the pilot's seat.

Nightfall: H.U.E., start the engines.

H.U.E.: You can always count on HUE to quickly-

Final Space: The Novelization: Season TwoWhere stories live. Discover now