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Synopsis: As they continue their journey, the Team Squad discover the location of the second of sixth dimension keys, which turns out to be hidden on none other than Ash's home planet! Meanwhile, HUE hosts a bachelor party for an unexpected visitor.



"During a p*ssing battle for control of the Crimson Light, the Team Squad found themselves abducted by a ship inhabited by a furry guy named Hushfluffles, and his army of fluffles. Our hero Gary was put into an experience of his greatest dreams, but it only turns out that not only was the entire place a power plant for sucking the life out of its victims, but Hushfluffles was really a human who wanted revenge for me losing the Earth! Man, I cannot stop making mistakes, can't I? Anyways, we managed to successfully escape, and continue our journey for the dimensional keys! Unbeknownst to us, Todd is still out there... plotting revenge."

The Crimson Light is seen travelling through lightfold.

Gary Goodspeed: "voice" Not talking to you.

Clarence: "voice" I'm not talking to you.

Inside, Gary and Clarence are walking down the halls.

Gary Goodspeed: You're talking right now to me.

Clarence: Well, stop talking!

Gary Goodspeed: I'm trying to do that!

A door opens, revealing Ash inside her room.

Ash Graven: What are you arguing about?

Gary and Clarence: We don't know!

Ash Graven: Well, on Serepentis, the only way to solve an argument was through a good game of Thimbles. "goes back inside"

Gary Goodspeed: I don't even know what it is.

Clarence: Perfect! Loser leaves the ship immediately. "laughs as he enters Ash's room"

Gary Goodspeed: I just said I don't know how to play!

Little Cato exits a door, wearing a glass eye protector, and a purple suit.

Little Cato: We got this. I'm Ventrexia's Thimble Elite Junior Champion.

Ash Graven returns, wearing an eye protector, and holding glowing paddles.

Ash Graven: Smashers! All around! "throws one to Clarence"

Clarence: (to Gary) You versus us, winner takes all.

Everyone begins the game of Thimbles.

Little Cato: Queued for play!

Clarence: Game go!

Clarence throws a gold projectile at Little Cato, who smacks it away. Clarence climbs onto Fox's shoulder, and smacks the gold projectile with his paddle, sending it flying past Tribore, who dodges it, and it hits H.U.E., as Little Cato, and Nightfall leap in, and fall to the ground.

Little Cato: Queue four!

Clarence: Thimbles for Clarence!

Clarence throws an ax-like object into H.U.E.'s chest.

H.U.E.: "laughs" Oh, you hound!

Gary Goodspeed: What in the three rings of hell is going on?

H.U.E. falls over.

Ash Graven: Gary, it's like you don't even know how to play Thimbles.

Gary Goodspeed: That's what I keep trying to tell you.

Final Space: The Novelization: Season TwoWhere stories live. Discover now