Chapter Four - Bad Decisions

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Chapter Four

Nathan continued to give me a shocked stare, "Um, hi," I said. Well wasn't this is awkward!

"Megan!?" he asked again, "What are you doing here!?"

"Trust me, it's not at the top of my 'favourite places to be' list," I replied back with a sigh, sending slight daggers to him. Okay, I needed to calm down.

Whilst Nathan stood in shock at my presence, everyone else in the room just looked at me, questioningly.

"What?" I asked, becoming uncomfortable with all the stares being sent my way.

"Care to explain?" Emilia said whilst raising her eyebrows at me. 'Not really, no' I thought. Although, if I replied with that I didn't think she'd be too impressed with me.

"Why don't you ask him?" I said, emphasizing the word 'him' and turning to face Nathan.

"Mate?" Max asked, still trying to get an answer. Nathan still stood in shock and didn't say a word. I was beginning to become overwhelmed. Maybe I should go. This was a mistake. Obviously! Why did I even come here in the first place!? Stupid, stupid Megan!

"I can't do this," I said, my voice beginning to break with the tears that were making themselves present. Emilia gave me a worried look as I ran out of the room. This was such a bad decision. He had a great life without me! I didn't have to make an appearance and ruin it! It was all my fault!

I eventually made it outside of the venue. As I was running past the queue for the meet and greet, all the girls gave me funny looks. To be quite honest, right now I couldn't care less what they thought. I was too busy concentrating on getting out of here! Once I managed to escape the crowds and get outside, I looked hastily for my car, but I couldn't find it. Why now!?

I continued to look for my car for a few more minutes, but then I just gave up and slid down a wall nearby. I felt helpless. I held my head in my hands as the tears fell down my face and onto my top, leaving a dark mark behind from where the tears had landed. I shouldn't have done this! I knew it was for Emilia's sake, but I'd just ruined everything! Well done me!

I carried on with my crying session for what felt like hours, my head in my hands and knees to my chest the whole time. My body began to feel numb due to the cold weather outside, the breeze making the hairs on my arms and the back of my neck stand on edge. I just ignored it and carried on with my deep thinking. I knew this would all end badly. Not long after I'd previously left everyone to be on my own, I felt a presence beside me. It'd only be Emilia.

"Emilia, I'm fine, honestly. Just let me have a minute, please," I said as yet another tear fell.

"It's not Emilia," I heard his soft voice and wanted to cry even more. Oh why was he here! I turned sideways to face him. Nathan. He'd clearly followed me. But why? It wasn't like he cared anymore. He was just messing with my emotions and I would have preferred if he didn't.

"What do you want?" I growled harshly. Maybe that sounded a bit rude. But then again, he left me when I needed him the most and I wasn't going to act friendly to someone who clearly didn't want me in their life!

"I wanted to make sure you were OK," he said with a half-smile. A small smile tried to etch onto my face until I realised what he'd just said and the situation we were both in, where a frown replaced the smile. Okay, now I was angry.

"Okay? Okay!? Nathan, you left me! You were my best friend and you left me just so you could be with the popular kids and be one of them! You weren't there! There were times when I needed you the most out of everyone and you weren't there! You were my only friend and you left me! Do you even know what that feels like!? To have all your happiness basically ripped away from you!? Because that's exactly what happened to me! You don't care about me anymore, so don't act like you do! You haven't cared about me since high school, so just go and carry on living your happy life with great friends and a family who loves you and actually having something worth living for and I'll go back to my lonely one, with one friend and a family in ruins," I ranted. I breathed a sigh of relief after finally being able to say how I felt and slid down the wall again. Nathan looked at me scared. Maybe he finally understood how he made me feel for all those years.

"I-I don't know... what to say," Nathan said, scratching his neck and seeming confused about everything.

"Don't say anything. Just go. Your life's been perfectly fine without me, so just go. You don't need me. Tell Emilia I'll be in the car," I said and stormed off. I wrapped my coat closer around me and quickened my pace after finally finding my car. As I was near, I unlocked it and I took my seat whilst taking one quick glance at my previous spot. I noticed Nathan still stood there, changing his glance from where I was sitting previously, to the car I was now sat in. He looked like he was crying, but why?

After further observing him, I broke down once more. I curled up in my seat and rested my head on my knees whilst awaiting Emilia's arrival. Tears carried their usual route down my face as I stared at Nathan. He hadn't moved. He stared back at me too. I was guessing he hadn't even realised what he'd done so many years ago. Well, if he didn't, he sure did now! I still loved him and I knew that now, but could I ever trust him again? I wanted to, I did. But he abandoned me and didn't care about me for all those years. I'm surprised he even remembered me. I was happy about that, but my sadness and confusion of why he was getting so upset over this outweighed the happiness I earlier felt. I'd soon have to relive all of this as I explained to Emilia what the hell had gone on. Not that I wanted to, but after all, she was my only friend and deserved to know.

After about an hour and a half of waiting, Emilia finally made an appearance and took her place in the passenger seat. She gave me a sympathetic and sad look and I to at least tried to give her a half-smile. It didn't work though as I just burst into tears. Emilia reached over for a hug, which I gladly accepted. We hugged for a few minutes when Emilia asked the question I hoped she wouldn't.

"What happened? I'm so confused. Is there something I don't know?" I took a deep breath and prepared myself for my next speech. Reliving everything I had felt over the last few years was going to be difficult, but explaining to Emilia what had happened, at home and with Nathan, was going to be even worse...

What Went Wrong? (Nathan Sykes fanfiction) *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now