Chapter Fifteen - Happy Days and Nightmares

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Chapter Fifteen

The joy I now felt was definitely hard to break. No one could ruin how perfect that day was. It was so meaningful and thoughtful and everything I could have ever wished for, happened. When did I become so lucky? I was now able to say that I belonged to the man of my dreams and that he belonged to me. Sure, that made it sound like we were property, but the meaning and sentiment was there. We were each other's and no one could have taken that away from us. Not now that we knew how we felt about each other. We loved each other. Wow, it still felt weird to say that, but it was true, as earlier confessed.

Not long after Nathan and I's revelation and moment of complete bliss, we pulled apart and walked home together hand-in-hand. The walk was quiet and peaceful. No words were needed; we just let our happiness show.

I decided that as it was getting late, Nathan could stay at mine. Surely that wouldn't have been a problem?

"But where will you sleep?" Nathan enquired. I suggested that he slept in my bed, but he wasn't listening at all.

"On the sofa, like I said before," I smiled, already setting up a bed on the sofa Nathan was currently perched on.

"Erm, how's about no?" Nathan said, picking me up and carrying me upstairs.

"What are you doing? Just go to bed," I laughed at his childish act. He just wouldn't take no for an answer. 

"Why don't you sleep in your own bed and I'll sleep on the sofa? Yes? Yes? Goodnight," he rushed, leaving a sweet peck on my forehead as he sat me down on my bed.

"Erm, how's about no?" I said, using his own words against him.

"Well, we won't let each other sleep on the sofa so the only other option is the bed," Nathan said. I scooted over and patted the empty space beside me, offering him the space. He then sighed with relief, clearly thinking I would have rejected him. I trusted him enough, so why not?

Nathan walked forward and began to scratch his neck in thought.

"What now?" I said with a laugh.

"Erm, I don't have anything to wear," he replied sheepishly. I blushed furiously, knowing what the only other option was. Nathan had never felt comfortable sleeping in a t-shirt, so I had no other choice.

"What other option is there? There isn't one, now just get to bed," I shouted playfully, turning away, so he could undress. I got comfortable under the covers and curled into a ball. My position was soon disturbed by Nathan joining me. Not that that was a bad thing at all! 

He lifted up the covers and climbed in next to me. He laid down, draped the covers over himself and then held me close. I felt safe with him there. Everything I had ever wished for, I now had. The only other thing that would have made that moment even better was if my mum was there to see how happy I was. I knew that that would never happen, but I still hoped.

I turned around under the duvet to face Nathan again. He kept his arm draped over my waist as we just looked at each other in amazement. I could have now called him my boyfriend

We gazed into each other's eyes, mesmerized. His eyes were so bright and... Sparkly? The happiness he clearly felt shone through his eyes and it made me so happy that I was the cause of that. I was still shocked that he even liked me back. Loved me back, in fact!

"You know, I must be the luckiest guy in the world right now," Nathan said, caressing my cheek. The smile I already had on my face grew.

"Well then I must be the luckiest girl in the universe," I replied pecking his cheek. I went to pull away when Nathan gently pressed his lips against mine. It was a short and sweet kiss, but the passion we both felt was definitely present and that was what made all the difference.

"I love you, Megan," Nathan whispered into my ear.

"I love you too," I replied, placing a gentle kiss to Nathan's jaw and resting my head on his chest. He held me closely and we both sighed in content.

It didn't take long for Nathan to fall asleep, still holding me. I just laid there, thinking of how all of this had happened. I didn't deserve any of this. I wasn't worthy. Why Nathan even loved me, I was unsure, but I sure as hell knew that I loved him. From now on, despite what we'd both been through, we'd be there for each other. As a partner, friend or just somebody to talk to. We loved each other and that was that.

I soon fell asleep, dreaming of what had happened the night before and at first it was great, but then it all went downhill. My dream was no longer a dream, but my worst nightmare.

I had just said yes to Nathan and we were both ecstatic and for a moment, I thought I saw my mum, but when I looked again I saw her grave. I walked closer and examined it. It was definitely hers. And then the name changed. It changed to my name. All the information had changed to suit me and in the next moment, the scenery changed. We were still in the graveyard, but now Nathan was sat next to my grave in tears. That hurt me enough, to see him sad, but then the scenery changed again. This time we were at Nathan's house and he wasn't alone. He was with someone else. Not me.

That's when the realisation hit me and I bolted awake, fresh tears streaming down my face. I was in hysterics, but my new-found realisation stayed in my head. Nathan could have had anyone he wanted. Why me? He had made a mistake, clearly. He could never love me, no one would.

I sat up in bed in tears, trying to calm myself down, when I felt Nathan stir beside me.

"Babe? Hey, hey, hey, what's up?" he said, holding me against him and shushing me to attempt to calm me down.

"Nightmare," I chuckled at how childish I sounded and tried to wipe my tears off of my face.

"Want to talk about it?" Nathan questioned. I paused for a moment, taking deep breaths to steady my erratic breathing.

"Well, at first it was great. It was you and I last night when we said we loved each other, but then it just went downhill. In the end, I was dead and you had somebody else. Why do you want me? You could have anyone, but why me? You don't want me. Why would you? Just tell me now, so I can get over it sooner rather than later," I rushed. I hadn't mentioned the part about my mother, but I knew I would have had to soon. I mean we were together now and he deserved to know about her.

"I have no idea why you'd even begin to think that, but none of its true. I love you to the moon and back, Megan. Yeah, we may have only just told each other how we felt, but I know how I've felt for years. Maybe it feels a little rushed because we've already said 'I love you', but I don't care. I mean it. I love you, Megan and I'll only ever want you. You need to stop thinking so low of yourself because you're perfect in every way," Nathan said, leaving a lingering kiss on my forehead.

"Thank you," I looked up to his face and softly smiled. I pecked his lips and then hugged him for a while.

Sitting with him and just simply hugging him helped me. The smallest of things meant so much to me because it showed he cared.

"I love you too. I just don't understand why you would want me," I sniffed, wiping away my remaining tears.

"Because, like I said, I love you for you and I don't care what you think of yourself because it's all wrong. You're kind, funny, helpful and beautiful and you're mine. I should be the one confused here, not you," he laughed. I shook my head, telling him he was wrong and left another kiss to his cheek, "C'mon, let's go back to sleep," Nathan said, gesturing to the pillows. I nodded my head in response and we both laid back down. We closed our eyes with exhaustion. I spent the little time I had to think before falling asleep.

He really cared. He loved me and I couldn't ask for anything more. After everything we had been through, he was here today and he knew what to say to make me feel the happiest person alive. No matter what I thought, he loved me and I loved him. And that was how it was meant to be...

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