Chapter Six - Avoiding the Issue

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Chapter Six

I awoke the following morning due to the sun rays that were streaming through my curtains and the heat that reflected onto my face. My eyes fluttered open as I was greeted with the bright light from the morning Sun. I sat up, stretched and thought of what I was going to do today. I then remembered that I was going to see him. That was probably going to be awkward and again, it would be all my fault. Not much that I could do now.

I sighed with the thoughts of what today would hold for me and decided that I should get out of bed. Emilia was no longer asleep nor was she in my room so I assumed that she was downstairs. True to my predicament, I approached the living room door and I saw her sat on my sofa, tea in hand, watching the TV.

"Make yourself at home, eh?" I said jokingly as I continued to walk into the room. I sat next to Emilia on the sofa as she gave me a worried look.

"You do know what we're doing today, right? You seem too cheerful to know," she said, giving me a puzzled look whilst she drank her tea.

"Yes, I know, but I can't go back now. What's done is done. And besides, I want to go to have some fun. Haven't had it in while," I giggled to myself. Really, it wasn't that funny. I didn't get out much, but I made a joke about it anyways.

She replied with a warm smile to which I returned. I then decided to actually start my day. I got up from my seat and approached the kitchen. I made myself a cup of tea and as the kettle boiled, made myself some breakfast too. I took my time and thought of what I would do today. I eventually decided that I'd just see what happened because nothing ever goes to plan. At least not with me anyways.

Once I had finished my breakfast and morning tea, I put my bowl and mug in the sink, ready to be washed later, and headed upstairs. I decided a shower would be a good idea as it would help me to relax. That didn't take long and I was out after a good 15 minutes.

After that, I got dressed into a simple outfit which consisted of blue skinny jeans, a plain, grey top and a long, black and grey cardigan (along with my converse that I couldn't live without). 'That outfit will be suitable for bowling too! Perfect' I thought. At least I didn't have to fuss about getting ready later.

I further decided to straighten my maroon hair, but clipped my fringe back. Today I felt confident and I was going to stay that way all day (I hoped). Once I was ready, I headed back downstairs to find that my living room was empty. Emilia must have been getting ready too. I watched some TV to keep me occupied whilst I waited. Nothing good was really on, so I just left a random show on, but didn't pay much attention to it. Emilia soon came back down and was looking as beautiful as ever; making me look even uglier than I thought I already was. She had curled her dark blonde hair, backcombed her fringe and clipped it back so it sat on top of her head. She was wearing a floral summer dress with cute ballet shoes to match.

"You ready?" I asked. She gave me a slight nod and we headed out the door and into my car. We decided to spend a day of shopping before our bowling event later. The car journey was spent with us singing along to songs that came on the radio and being our weird selves.

As I pulled into the shopping centre car park, I paid for my ticket and found a decent parking spot. We got out silently and headed for the entrance doors. Once through, we turned to each other.

"Where to first?" I said with a wide smile on my face. Today I was happy and nothing could have stopped that!

"Topshop!" Emilia screamed. We ran until we came across the entrance of our favourite store. We both loved this shop and every time we went in we'd want to buy everything.

We stayed in there for an hour and then moved on to the next few shops. By the end of the shopping trip, we both had quite a few bags between us. I bought myself a studded leather jacket, a pair of denim shorts and a new top I'd been admiring for weeks, whilst Emilia bought anything she could get her hands on! She does make me laugh sometimes.

When we were done, we threw our bags into the back of my car, took a seat and I drove us back to my house. We dumped our bags in my already untidy room and Emilia ran downstairs to grab a different pair of shoes and her handbag. I caught sight of myself in my mirror and gazed into it. I saw I looked a mess and added a light layer of make-up consisting of foundation, mascara, lip gloss and a little eyeliner. I didn't want to put too much on and look fake. That would be terrible. I hated those girls who put so much foundation on they were orange and placed on several layers of fake eyelashes, thinking it looked nice! Yeah, I didn't like the way I looked, but I didn't see the point in being fake.

I continued to look at my finished work, but only felt scared of what was to come.

"It's okay. You can do this," I said to myself, "Just keep calm, act normal and have fun. That's what you're there to do," I said with a slight nod, still trying to convince myself that this could have worked. I grabbed my phone, keys, money and a lip balm and shoved it all into my shoulder bag. I threw it over my head and raced down the stairs. Once at the bottom, I was greeted by Emilia, who was stood impatiently by the front door.

"C'mon! We're going to be late!" she said, rushing me out of the door. I huffed slightly and walked out of my front door. I locked it and made my way down the steps outside my door and headed towards my car. I took my seat and started up the engine.

"I can do this," I whispered to myself once more. Let's just hope this worked!

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