Chapter Twelve - Questions

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Chapter Twelve

Over the next week, Nathan and I continued to constantly talk to each other, no matter what form. We called, text, skyped - you name it. It was great to finally have my best friend back. I didn't think he'd ever fully know how much I had missed him during the time we were apart. I didn't think he'd ever really know just how much he meant to me either. He meant too much to me to ever let him go. Not again. I could never have made that mistake a second time. If anything happened, I'd fight for him, for our friendship. I would have done anything I could to make sure that I didn't lose him.

Emilia had also been round a bit too. We discussed my history with Nathan and how I really felt about him. Emilia now knew what I'd been hiding for so long. I loved Nathan Sykes. At first, once I'd told her, she was so happy for me, but I then reminded her that Nathan and I weren't actually in any form of a romantic relationship, we were only friends, and that he didn't even know what I thought of him. At this, Emilia gave me a mouth-full about how 'I should tell him' and how 'we would be good together'. Well, that was brilliant, but it wasn't as easy as that!

I internally sighed at the realisation of how much of a coward I had been. If I had told him, at least he'd know how I felt and at least I'd know what his response was. But then again, if I told him, it could have all ended terribly wrong and I didn't want that. Not at all. I didn't think I'd be able to live with myself if that happened. I couldn't be happy knowing I was the reason something I never wanted to happen, all went wrong.

After a long time of battling with myself, I came to the decision that Nathan needed to know. And soon. If I left it any longer, I didn't think he'd ever know and I would only be left wondering if maybe one day, we could have been something, but then forever regretting it and blaming myself for not telling him how I felt.

Today Nathan and I had decided that we would both do something together, just us two. I asked him what we could do and, in his words, he replied with 'I'll surprise you'. I was slightly worried at the fact it was going to be a surprise and I had no idea what was going on, but I was sure that it'd all turn out fine. Unless you told him how you felt and ruined everything! Stupid conscience.

I didn't want to laze about too much today, (I had done too much of that this week), so I decided to go for a quick morning jog before returning home for a shower and to get ready for my day with Nathan.

The jog helped me think and clear my head, but I only ended up with more questions. Would I tell him today? Would it be the right time? What would he think? What would he do? Would we stay friends? My head was spinning with all of the questions by the end of the jog and by the time I had gotten home, a warm shower was the first thing on my mind.

I took the few steps to reach my old front door and opened it in haste to have a relaxing shower. Once I'd made it through the door and shut it, locking it behind me, I raced upstairs and quickly stripped before stepping into the hot shower. The hot water relaxed my tense muscles from the previous jog and helped me somewhat relax and get my head around things.

Maybe today was the day. Maybe today was the day I'd tell Nathan how I felt towards him. I just hoped that his response was a good one, to say the least. If it wasn't, the outcome on my part was already clear. I would regret ever telling him, knowing that I had ruined everything. But for all I knew, he could have liked me back. Who was I kidding!? He would have never liked me back. I mean, I'm just... Me. Plain old Megan. Average hair, average height, average size, nothing was special about me.

I was snapped out of my daydream from the echo of my ring tone blaring throughout the house. I decided now was maybe a good time to get out of the shower, so I stepped out, wrapped myself in a towel and ran to my phone to see who was calling me.

I had just reached my bedroom door when the phone stopped ringing. I carried on in anyway and got changed. After getting changed, I finally looked at my missed call. Nathan. A smile etched itself onto my face and my heart thumped against my ribcage quite loudly. Seriously! I needed to get a grip!

I picked up my phone and called Nathan back, curious that it was probably about our outing. Maybe he'd tell me where we were going!

"Hey," Nath shouted cheerfully across the phone. I replied with the same greeting and Nathan began to speak.

"So, I'm going to be a little late picking you up because the boys and I got called into the studio last minute, but I'm still up for today if you are!" Nathan spoke apologetically.

"Of course! It's fine, take as long as you need. I'm almost ready now anyway, so by the time you're here, I'll be ready and waiting!" I answered with a smile.

"Great, so I shouldn't be too long, but I'll see you when I'm done! See you later, Megs," Nath said using my old nickname. The use of my old nickname sent a shiver down my spine, purely at the fact that he remembered it.

"Bye, Sloth," I replied, stifling a laugh. Nathan just laughed at my remark and then hung up. Time to finish getting ready!

I decided to have my hair down and lightly curled it. I was wearing blue skinny jeans, an over-sized sweater and converse, which were comfy as hell!

With my chosen outfit, lightly curled hair and minimal make-up, I was ready to go. Nathan still hadn't told me what we were doing or where we were even going, so I decided that staying comfy was my best option.

I got my bag ready for when I had to leave (because I'm such an organised person) and then headed down the stairs. I curled up into a ball on my patterned sofa and watched the TV to help pass the time.

Loads of rubbish was always on the TV lately, but sometimes, that rubbish helped make you feel better. It made you realise that really didn't have it that bad because there were a lot of others that had it a lot worse.

The TV helped to distract me from my thoughts and constant questions and helped me to just focus on the moment.

Next thing I knew there was a knock at the front door. I got up from my previous position and headed to the door, opening it to reveal Nathan. I grabbed my bag and we headed out of the front door, greeting each other.

"So, where are we going, Sykes?" I said once we were sat in the warmth of Nathan's car.

He tapped his nose and replied, "It's a surprise." He winked and started the engine.

Oh, this was going to be a long, interesting day.

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