Chapter Thirteen - Nervous Encounters

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Chapter Thirteen

The drive to our destination was quiet, the only noise that was present coming from the radio. The silence was comfortable and it let me think of ideas as to where we were going as Nathan still hadn't told me.

"Please tell me! Or at least give me a clue?" I pleaded, a hopeful look on my face.

"You sure are determined, aren't you, Megs? The only thing I'm going to say is that you'll love it... I hope," Nathan teased with a small chuckle. I sank back into my chair and began to think again. I'd love it... But there were a lot of things that I'd love!

The clue that I was given wasn't helpful and I was still struggling to think of an exact location. It could have been anywhere! The drive seemed to be taking pretty long too.

"Any more clues?" I asked with a wiggle of my brows. Nathan chuckled to himself and shook his head at my determination.

"I don't want to say anything else. Anymore clues and I'll end up giving it away, you know what I'm like," he responded. I sighed in agreement and frustration at the fact I was still in the dark about where we were heading. I wasn't exactly the most patient person, alright?

I started to sing along to the song that had just come on the radio. Jason Derulo's new song 'The Other Side' filled my ears and took me once again back to my constant thoughts. This song reminded me of my current situation. Although nothing had actually happened between Nathan and myself, I still felt that it applied to my circumstance.

The specific lyrics 'I never thought it would be you' spun around in my head. I definitely never thought that it would be him, but I definitely wouldn't have changed the fact that it was either. But what did he think? Maybe he never did and never would think it would be me, even if I thought the complete opposite.

The car suddenly came to a halt as I jolted forward, my seat belt restricting me of any further movement than what I'd already made. Nathan turned off the engine once he'd parked, looked at me, a smirk on his face.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Why am I worried?" I said hastily. Nathan just laughed at me and jumped out of the car. I unbuckled my belt as Nathan helped me out of the car to stand, offering his hand to me. I gladly took it, smiled up towards him, and returned my gaze to the floor whilst blushing. Maybe that would have made him suspicious; me blushing. But I couldn't help it.

"C'mon," he said, slinging his right arm over my shoulder. I peered up at his smiling face, content gleaming through. It comforted me to know that he was happy in my presence. If right now he was sad, I would have done everything in my power to make him happy again. We had both been through so much and enough was enough. Neither of us deserved nor wanted to be hurt anymore and I for one wouldn't have let that happen.

I let Nathan guide me down the path that laid ahead. Slow footsteps were taken, one step at a time. We seemed to be in a park at the minute. No else was around, it was just Nathan and I, taking small steps in the desolate park.

I took a glance around the park. The wind only provided a slight breeze, nothing major, but it still helped bring the object I admired as a child into my view. I ran across the park towards it, leaving Nathan stood in confusion on the path I previously walked on. Once I reached it, I stared in adoration.

The swing.

The swing had always been my favourite part of the park as a child and that still hadn't changed. The swing always let me feel free and happy, even if I wasn't. I was able to think at the same time as have fun and relax. Swings provided much comfort to me during mum's passing too. It allowed me to be alone. Just me and my thoughts with no interruptions. The thought of 'no interruptions' was always good, so when I had the chance to have it, I took it.

"Megan, what are you doing?" Nathan called. I looked over my shoulder at him, grinned widely and then turned back around. I placed myself on the swings seat and began to push myself. My smile spreaded even wider (if that was even possible) and I giggled in delight. Nathan soon joined me and began to push me higher.

We were both laughing and giggling at each other until I jumped off mid-air and landed on the floor. Nathan gave me a worried look until I burst out into laughter and he joined in once again, realising I was OK. He was laughing so much that he clutched his stomach and bent over. But I don't think he planned the next part where he lost his balance and landed on top of me.

Our giggles and laughter came to a halt as we looked into each other's eyes. His bright green ones seemed to lure me in like every other time. But this time he began to lean towards me, still looking deep into my eyes. My breathing soon quickened and my eyes widened at the realisation of what was going on. Was this really happening!?

"Urm, err," I started nervously, "We should head off." Nathan blinked, and nodded in agreement - no words spoken. Damnit! He sat up and headed back to the path with his head bowed down and his hands in his pockets. Was that really about to happen? Or was I dreaming? He was about to kiss me!

My heart raced with the thought of him liking me back when the realisation hit me like a brick wall... He didn't actually kiss me though... The previous encounter saddened me slightly as nothing had actually happened, but it helped me to make my next decision. I needed to tell Nathan how I felt. After that, I needed to know how he felt too. If he felt the same way, I'd be the happiest girl alive. If he didn't, I would have only embarrassed myself by confessing my love to him. The only way I would know though, was if I told him.

I got up off the floor and caught up with Nathan, walking by his side. We continued down the path, slightly awkwardly. Nathan hesitantly grabbed my hand after a while and I warmly smiled at him, telling him that it was OK.

My decision was final and no one would stop me. I was going to finally tell him - the guy I'd loved for so long without him, or anyone for that matter, knowing. I was going to finally tell Nathan how I felt and I wasn't going to hold back.


A/N Hello again guys! Finally! I'm sorry for how long it's taken me to update. My head's been all over the place at the minute and this fanfiction wasn't really my main priority lately, I'll be honest. But, I'm happy to be greeted with my goal almost being reached already! Wow! This story already has 91 votes and 2,596 reads and in only my last chapter, I said how my goal was 80-90 votes (check!) and 3,000 reads, which I'm only 404 reads away from, so I'm pretty happy with that! That's kind of an understatement, but y'know.. ;)

Also, do any of my lovely readers have Wanted World at all? Or instagram, gifboom, snapchat, anything really? Let me know if you do and I'll follow, add (etc etc) you :)

The song link is at the side! Until next time!


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