Chapter Eleven - Fun, Friends and Flirting

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Chapter Eleven

I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face. Yesterday's events had really changed my mood, but for the better.

Nathan and I text each other a lot last night, just saying how we were and what we were up to (the basics) and we decided that we would all do something together. 'All' meaning him, the boys, myself and Emilia, if she was free.

I stretched and opened my eyes wider, hoping it would help to wake me up. The light from outside was once again shining through my bedroom window so that did help slightly. I further decided to get out of bed and get dressed. I hadn't checked the time yet and if it was near the time Nathan was picking me up, I at least needed to be starting to get ready when he arrived! I hadn't even phoned Emilia yet! Calling her would have probably been a good idea seeing as we would have been leaving soon!

I continued to pull my t-shirt over my head and then reached for my phone to call Emilia. I put it on loudspeaker as I got ready and she soon answered.

"Hey Meg! What's up?" I heard Emilia's voice ring out from my phone cheerfully. I couldn't help but smile at her constant happiness. She was always positive about anything. Some people see the glass as half empty; she saw it as half full.

"Hey! Nothing much, was just wondering if you were busy today at all," I said questioningly.

"No, I'm free all day. Why?"

"Because me, you, the boys and Nathan are all going out for the day. Of course only if you want to..." I started to trail off as Emilia hastily replied.

"No, no, I'd love too!"

"Well, Nath will be round soon to pick me up, so why don't you come round and come with me?" I asked, already knowing her answer.

"Yes! And you can help me choose what to wear!"

"Of course," I said with a small laugh, "Just hurry up and get round here! We need to go soon!"

"Okay, okay, I'm on my way," she said.

I hung up and finished my make-up. Not long after, Emilia arrived at my door with an excited look on her face. She walked into the house and threw several outfits at me, asking for my opinion, but she was speaking so fast that I couldn't hear a word that she had said.

"Right, breathe, calm down and repeat what you said. I didn't get a single word out of that sentence!" I said with a laugh.

"Sorry, I'm just really happy that you and Nathan are friends again! You know, not the fact we're about to go hang out with The Wanted or anything," Emilia replied with a smile. She soon became giddy and was skipping around my bedroom where we'd now vacated to. She definitely wouldn't have been calming down any time soon. And I was the one who had to look after her! What a great job I now had! Yay me! Clearly, my sarcasm was coming out. Emilia in hyper mode was hard to control and she never. Shut. Up! Honestly, she gave me a headache sometimes with how much she talked. Half the time I didn't even understand what she was saying!

"Well, I'm happy too! But you need to choose something to wear and get dressed because Nathan's due in..." I trailed off, looking at the time on my phone, "5 minutes! Hurry up!" I exclaimed.

At my tone of voice, Emilia began to rush, panicking slightly. It was quite funny to watch. She was running around my room, tripping over thin air in haste. I just stood there laughing at her as she sent daggers my way.

In order to get away from Emilia's evil stare, I decided to head downstairs and watch the TV whilst I waited for her. I was only waiting around 10 more minutes when the doorbell rang. I heard Emilia scream from upstairs and laughed at her again. I headed to the door with a smile on my face and pulled it open. In front of me stood Nathan, the guy who I loved, but would never know. He didn't like me back, so why should he have known? I mean, it's not like there was even anything to like. I'm just... Me.

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