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TIME: 5000 B.C

LOCATION: Mesopotamia

Legions upon legions were called to war against a mighty battlemage of Abraham Order. His name? Gadreel.

But he was not alone present on the battlefield with the enemy. No. No. With him there was an army of monstrosities. Creatures he has tamed and broken to serve his own will.

Gadreel raised his hands to the sky -his palms covered in supernatural flames!

"Show yourself, Azazel. Father of wickedness - so that I might smite you whence you came!", he shouted with the voice of a lion.

The battlemage 'angered' the sky and a lightning storm burned hundreds of Azazel's terrific warriors. All of them turned into charred husk.

Out of nowhere there was a laughter.


A flaming portal opened and a 2 meter tall hulking figure came out of it. Covered in white metallic garment. On the chest plate a triangle: the one-eyed pyramid mark of the Illuminati or the Enlightenment.

"We are hundreds on this earth. I come from a place beyond your limited mortal comprehension. You have not come so far due to your own abilities; it's because I allowed you to. It's because I do not fear you."

Gadreel revealed his stone scepter hidden underneath his blue armored robe.

"Silence, devil! I possess the power to eradicate your very existence. After I am done with you. I will make your fallen heavenly brothers beg for my favor."

Gadreel's staff knocked the ground below his feet. His power shook the foundations and buried them alive, crushing their bones.

Gadreel waved the dust away channeling wind power. When the dust was no more -he saw it.

Azazel still unfazed.

"I told you. There is nothing you can do mortal to defeat me. I taught you everything you know. All your knowledge comes from me. You are not even worthy to use the name of 'Gadreel'."

In the twinkling of an eye Gadreel was gone from the battlefield.

"I wonder where are you now, Gadreel..."

Gadreel cloaked his presence in the realm between spirit and matter. The battlemage sneaked behind Azazel ready to give the finish blow.

Azazel chuckled.

In a swift move Azazel grabbed Gadreel's face and brought him back to the physical world.

"Prideful fool, I am a god amongst men. I can go between realms as I please. But I cannot say the same for you. Unfortunately..."

"Destruo omnem vim meam ex monstrorum exercitu collectam. Et hunc furtum alligabo usque ad diem iudicii. Pretium vitae huius exige vi sume!" (I sacrifice all my power collected from my army of monsters. And I will bind this fiend until the Day of Judgement! Take my life force as price for this demand!)

Azazel screamed in terror "NO!" "What are you doing?!"

Gadreel grinned behind his hood that covered his face in shadows.

"If it is my fate to leave this world I shall bind you to a curse. This world is yours no more. Farewell, demon!"

Because Azazel took on physical form that meant he was now subject to the rules of the physical reality.

All the life force of both of their armies was now used to create an unbreakable barrier that would hold them both together.

Gradually both Azazel and Gadreel turned into stone and there they remained.

A pair of figures in the distance saw them. All of them hidden by the darkness of night.

"Free Aza-"

"No. There's no point. All of us are appointed to Judgement regardless of what we would do now. Let them there. Let them be hidden. For one day they shall be found. And together they will cause unimaginable chaos in the world of the living. We must make as much damage to the kingdom of God before doom may come upon us."

"But let us cast a spell on the minds of men. Let us erase Gadreel the man from the mind of the collective. And let us have them keep knowledge only of Azazel; and just for a select few of people who rule over their nation."

"Such a pity that we won't be here to see how wicked mankind shall become under Azazel once again."

Years passed. And the first Judgement came upon the whole Earth. God opened the firmament of heaven and the earth layers of the deep. Then a flood of massive proportions wiped out all the abominations of these fallen angels; them included. And underneath the countless layers of dirt Gadreel with Azazel-frozen in stone-are still there.

One day to be discovered again...

BloodRayne 3: Judgement DayWhere stories live. Discover now