Chapter 3-Part 3: Principalities of Darkness

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TIME: 08:00 A

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TIME: 08:00 A.M
LOCATION: Outside Area 51

The hatch of the Appollyon 66 opened. Rayne got out and the pilot took off. She avoided land mines, then jumped over a protection fence.
The sun was no longer eating away at her skin, melting it. She was protected by the armor. But she was willing to pay the price for saving the world even if it wasn't so.
Twenty Christosschild agents made their presence known.
Rayne could detect their presence via her Aura vision; but could not see them until they de-cloaked themselves.
"Baruch Hashem, lady Rayne. I am Zelenko Zaffi. Unlike my brethren here, I am well proficient in the spoken arts of your English language."
This one was a high-ranking member within their fraternity. Rayne noticed the red 'x' on his golden armor.
"Lead the way, gentlemen.", Rayne added.
Zelenko approached Rayne and took a look at her armor. He revealed a strange device which got crafted in Rayne's harness.
"This device shall protect you from the gaze of evil. It will make you invisible. Yes."
Zelenko could not see her dhampir face; let alone her teeth. He had no idea what this woman could be capable of.
Rayne pressed the button on her bracelet and her body was rendered invisible.
"So, guys. How come you have this sophisticated technology? I know that you Hebrew people are expected to live modest lives according to the desires of your god."
Zelenko stopped. He was scouting the area for enemies.
Nothing in the vicinity so far.
He resumed their walk to the inner parts of Area 51.
"Ever read the Bible, lady Rayne?"
Rayne answered:
"No. I was grown up by a scientist. Religious deities are of no importance to me."

"When Jesus commanded His disciples to go to the people of Israel announcing that "the kingdom of heaven is at hand". He gives them a warning and some advice: "Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves". Matthew 10:16.
We must consider all bad in the good and all the good in the bad.
We have acquired our sworn enemy's technology and will use it against them in this holy war."

"I see. I think I got the whole picture now."
In the distance something seemed fishy.
Rayne used her Aura vision and detected the presence of forty glowing orbs of blueish light.
Rayne stopped them:
"Wait, don't go! There are forty Illuminati soldiers. They are cloaked! They must have the same technology you stole hence why your heat signature vision cannot detect them."

Zelenko was surprised by Rayne's words.
"Rayne must have technology we do not possess. It is imperative we succeed. There's no telling what happens if they are aware of our presence.
Go ahead.
Find a way to dispose of them and make a clear path."
The rogue dhampir chose a brilliant strategy.
"Does anyone have a sniper?"
Zelenko revealed one attached to his back-belt concealed by the robe.
"There you go.", he added.
"Alright, guys. This is how we are gonna do it."
Rayne pointed at a random sniping tower:
"See that? This is where I am heading. I'll take down ten of these guys with my snipe. Then you'll create a diversion. That helicopter right there has a weapon mounted on it.
I can't get there otherwise they'll see me. So make sure you cloud their sight with something so I can mount the helicopter."
Zelenko interfered:
"Let us do this instead.", he said to the dhampir.
"We could hijack the helicopter from a distance and spare us trouble."
"Wait, what? You, guys, can do that. And you are telling me just now?"
Zelenko coughed. He pardoned himself.
"We are not geniuses, misstress. We got hold of their technology quite recently. We have a basic understanding of it. So, can you do it?"
Rayne contacted Severin.
"Hey, these guys tell me they have a portable device to hack military equipment. Do you know how to use it?"
Severin was inside the cargo-chopper:
"Unfortunately I do not possess the necessary knowledge in hacking. I recommend you to check out the manufacturer of your armor and that portable device. If they are compatible you could, in theory, link them and use the armor's hack-dart to remotely control from your target."
"Alright. Thanks for the tip. By the way how is Elijah?"
"He is... quite enthusiastic about this whole thing. Can't tell if he is either very excited in a good way or a bad way. Or both."
Rayne giggled:
"Yeah. That's my son, alright.
Take care of him. I don't know what I'd do without my children."
"In the same way you took care of me; so I will."
"Thanks, Sev. You are the best."
"No need for compliments."
Both ended the conversation.
Rayne asked one of them to give her the portable device. She needed to see if they were technologically compatible.
The synchronicity was established. Rayne connected her suit's networking system to the portable device.
Rayne and the Hebrew men restarted their strategy.
"Alright, let's make this quick:
-I take 10 of these guys with my snipe.
-you activate the device after I've inserted the hack-dart into that helicopter. Take down as many as you can.
Let's do this!"

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