Chapter 12: Let The Blood Rain-Part 1

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Another day in Rayne's life. Another dark chapter ready to unfold before her own eyes.

Now that Severin is gone. She was all alone. Her daughter Jasmine? Nowhere to be found. Rayne started to consider the possibility that she might be dead. And Elijah? Well, let us say he was currently under the thrall of a maledict scientist.

Rayne had hopes that her trip would be smooth and without complications.
So wrong she was.
As a matter of fact she hadn't even reached Antarctica. She was still stuck in Romania. Not due to the fact that there might have been something wrong with her warp-speeder seized from Báthory's secret laboratory in Germany. No. Not at all.

The simple truth is that even here, people were in desperate need of a brave hero to save them from their dark destiny. Or in Rayne's case. A certain one determined to smiten these monsters into oblivion whence they came from!

The dhampir was going to spend some time in this country. From her walk amongst these citizens, she would learn about their customs, traditions, and its people.

In her interactions with the romanian folk; Rayne has learned that a feature of their culture is the special relationship between folklore and the learned culture, determined by two factors.
First, the rural character of the Romanian communities resulted in an exceptionally vital and creative traditional culture.
For a long time learned culture was governed by official and social commands and developed around courts of princes and boyars, as well as in monasteries.

Romania was, indeed, a rich trove of mythology and folklore, historically located at the crossroads between Germanic, Latin and Slavic traditions.
Myths in the ancient kingdoms of Carpathia and Transylvania were especially original as Rayne heard. With its notable mythological individuals were ghouls and vampires.

The romanian mythological bestiary focused on domesticated animals. Sometimes strange exotic animals like the giraffe or the lion were associated with fantastic creatures. The Inorog (the unicorn), the Calandrion bird (the bird of destiny), and the Dulf (a mythical water creature from the Danube Delta) were all whimsical characters depicted in Romanian legends and folklore. Although originating in Ancient Greece and revived during the Early Middle Ages, the vasilisc still is an exotic monstrosity in Romanian folklore. For the rest of Europe, especially Western Europe, the basilisk was just a traditional aberrant monster.

In order for Rayne to get a better understanding of the situation she was in. She planned to find someone with experience in dealing with these monstrosities. Rayne wanted to find what these things really were.
The fearless dhampir set an appointment with a mythology expert named 'Andrei Alexandru'.
How did they cross paths?
That is a detail only Rayne knows.
From this man, Rayne learned a great deal about these evils that were plaguing Romania.

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