Chapter 4: "Doomsday in Germany!"

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Script note: Every time there is a space between dialogue lines indicates the fact there is the other/another person talking

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Script note: Every time there is a space between dialogue lines indicates the fact there is the other/another person talking

TIME: 12:00 A.M
LOCATION: Severin's cargo-chopper

"See you, Rayne. And don't lose hope. Severin out."

Severin turned to Elijah:
"Elijah, we need to talk. Jas-", Severin said as soon a supernatural connection got established with Beliar.
"Human. I sense my parts within you. I am coming for you. I shall take them back. And when I'm done with you all; I shall bring chaos upon the whole world!"
Severin came back to his senses.

"Severin, what happened!?", Elijah asked full of worries.

"Beliar... He... wants me. He is in search of his body parts. I should have suspected that."

"What should we do then?", Elijah started shaking.

"I'll call Rayne again."

Rayne was flying her helicopter until Severin called her back again.
"Pardon me for bothering you, Rayne. But how exactly did you manage to defeat Beliar centuries ago? Never bothered to ask you."
"The reformed Kestrels present in Germany don't stand a chance against this ancient evil of a bastard."

"Wasn't easy, trust me. I had to work side by side with Jurgen Wulf to beat that monster."

"His weaknesses, Rayne?"

Rayne sighed at Severin's question.
"Oh, right. You see, the heart is his weakness. It is situated where he has the shape of a head. It's hard to see. You gotta use a snipe or something else to magnify your vision."
"And you gotta be careful. Every time he gets hurt he'd increase his body size. And keep doing it until he reaches the fifth or sixth phase. When he does; grab onto him and use the Eye you got in your skull. Look at him straight in the face. It will 'reset' his physical growth back to his original state."

"When do I know it's the final phase?", Severin asked.

"His eyes will glow red. That's your signal to do it."

Severin scoffed:
"That's just great. Thanks for the info, Rayne. Severin out."
He ended the transmission.
Severin was thinking. And thinking. And thinking.

"Yeah, Sev. What's the matter?"

"This is where our common path ends. It's where we say goodbye to each other."

"No, Severin. Why?", Elijah asked worried and confused.

"For you to rise up; I have to fall down."

"I do not understand. You're scarin' me, man."

"You will. In time..."

Rayne gave Severin her helicopter address and he pinpointed it to Elijah.
He entrusted the cargo-chopper to Elijah and ordered him to follow on her trail. Even if it meant days. He would have to reach her.
Two of the molochian vampires decided to remain with Elijah to protect him from potential assailants.
Severin took the vamp-mech. The rest of the molochian vampires assumed their blood vapor form and bonded to Severin's vamp-mech.
Now united with the biological machine; the vampires enhanced its default properties subjecting its movements to their command. They 'forced' a hole through the fleshy suit which allowed Severin to use his hand and conjure the power of fire as exchange-support for the lack of jetpack blood fuel.
The time distance now lowered from 10:55 minutes to three hours only.

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