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I glanced at the man opposite me, it was cold, and they put us in the same prison cell. With an old mattress and a small rock, I had no idea why the rock was there. It had been twelve hours since we had gotten to that place.

I still had no idea where we were, I wondered when they would come back for the next rounds of torture on the man laying unconscious next to me. I coughed, shivering. They could have left me by the river bank, it would have done everyone a favour. I hated my luck these past few days.

I have gone to one the worst date of a time, followed by a car being hijacked by a criminal, now the criminal was dying because he wouldn't shut the hell up.

I thought back to the time when he was being brutalized and how he would barely wince, he would make subtle cries but not enough to make somebody know he was really in pain. This had angered our abductor as he would come up with some sick twisted way to deal with the man.

He would take it all without complaint, the highest or nearest I had heard or seen him exhibit his pain was when our captor had smashed a gun into his head and he had groaned loudly making him pass out. They brought us into this cold cell not too long ago and I had sat as far as possible.

My eyes widened, and my train of thought gets interrupted by the man's groan. He tried to open his eyes but failed, I shifted with my hands thankful that I hadn't been killed yet. I still had hope. I prayed that the police would take the suspect something was wrong and the search got me. I was sure Dina and Buanca were going to file a missing's person report. The police most nerds to find me and investigate.

I needed to get out of there. I looked down feeling bad, remembering my aunt's old age. It wasn't good for her health to get her worried and all rattled up. I should have listened to Bianca and not given up on that date, I should have known better than to ignore the guy feeling I had.

The man tried once more this time harder than the last to open his eyes, he coughed as he had been dumped on the hard smelly mattress. He sighed as he took in a breath inhaling the cold air, he glanced up to the bob that was lighting the room.

He rubbed his arm tiredly, he sat up slowly feeling pain in his stabbed side. He rubbed his eyes, and his stomach rumbled. I took the half eaten-bread and apple with the half drank water they had given to me earlier.

"Hum..." I cleared my throat, gaining his attention, I signalled what I was holding and he searched my face, making me somewhat terrified, why was he looking at me like that? I don't think I have done anything wrong.

"I... I asked for your food, sir... But hum... They just stared at me... I ate half off of mine and left some for you...m... Do you care..." I stuttered, trying to fill the awkward silence between us. The man kept mute opting to just stare at me with no expression on his face, feeling as though he was looking into my soul. I swallowed, feeling nervous.

I moved toward him slowly and carefully, he started intensely as I sat next to him offering him the bread and bottled water.

"Hum... I..." he glanced at me and I looked away feeling like I did something wrong. I had no idea what to say, what do you say to a wounded gangster? He could kill me and nothing would happen, our captors already hate me.

Why did they put us in the cell? Were they going to do the same thing they did to him to me? Lord, I couldn't handle that torture. I would rather die than go through what he did.

"What?!" he said irritated as I continued glancing at him giving him a pitiful stare and making him look a little irritated.

"I... I just want... Wanted to ask... If you were alright," I answered quietly flexing at the front of the cell checking if there were any guards there.

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