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I was frustrated, to say the least, I wanted to fucking kill somebody, but couldn't Rio have found another time? I was walking around with a very big hard-on and a bigger frustration. I had to leave Aviva unfinished because of Rio, giving me one more reason to hate his guts.

As we walked toward the famous club known for its neutrality among made men, I had my suit covering my gun but I was itching to use it. Carlos and Alejandro said nothing after I snapped at Carlos for making some silly ass jokes. I wasn't in the fucking mood.

This should be the biggest fucking moment for me seeing as Rio wanted to fucking surrender himself but he decided to do it when Aviva was in my fucking bed! I hated that and I hated him more. The bouncer nodded at one of my men as we proceeded to walk toward the back of the club, Marco Mancini was talking to the chef as I made my way toward them.

As soon as he saw me, he turned, "Marco," I greeted.

"Eduardo," he said, "have you seen him personally?" I asked as we proceeded away from the chef into the small dimly lit hallway, why would he want to surrender now? He for weeks refusing to come out.

Marco made sure nobody that looked remotely like him left the city, they watched closely for weeks and he was fucking surrendering.

"I have not but he has promised to show up," I scoffed, that little snake better shows up or I will fuckin kill somebody. We marched with me toward the middle grounds.

The club was established almost everywhere and had more than one crime family. It was to maintain peace in war, it was a place where you could sit and have a civil conversation with your enemy. I knew why Rio chose this place, he know that anywhere else from that place will result in his fucking death. What did he think was going to happen when he brought me to California? He was so confident that he didn't kill me for weeks and that was his fucking mistake, I wouldn't make the same mistake ever, I would shoot him as soon as I got the opportunity.

As soon as we got to the front of the room, a man was standing there, he looked grim and he had a hard expression on his face. We all started pulling out guns and weapons that we had, It was the rules, you cannot come into the middle ground with any weapon. Talking wasn't my feat, action was. I didn't wish to say anything to that little shit. What was there to say? He betrayed me and I was going to fucking kill him.

As we dropped all the weapons in a large plastic bowl, "Fifteen minutes," Marco nodded and we walked into the room, I narrowed my eyes seeing a Russian sitting around the room.

Marco was right he was working with Russians, but why accompany him if he wanted to surrender? I didn't believe him, I just wanted to see the stunt he was going to pull.

"Marco, Eduardo," I scoffed, the coward had the effrontery to call my name even when he knew what he fucking did. He glanced at Carlos his once close friend. I didn't feel an ounce of guilt or pain, I relished in the fact that he lost friends, and his family because of his betrayal.

"What do you want Rio?" I snarled, I was furious. Seeing his face brought back memories! I wanted to fuck him up and smash his head into the concrete walls but there would be plenty of time, to do as I please.

"Please sit," I wanted to burst into a fit of laughter, what was this? Why the politeness, what game was he trying to play? The bastard was very corny and he knew what he was doing, and I would not allow him to play me for a fucking fool any longer.

"Eduardo," Marco, I glared at Marco himself, I didn't like being told what to do, Marco took his seat, and Rio did the same, With narrowed eyes, I took my seat.

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