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The club was amazing, we were given a space in the VIP lounge. Catalina used her position as Lorenzo's stepmother to her advantage, we were served different cocktails as the song was booming through the almost deafening loudspeakers. I missed the rush I felt when I was outside, Bianca and partied a lot while in college. We ran around Boston going from one club to the other, from frat houses to frat houses.

When we got out of college and we started working, it was difficult for us to party as we did in college. Working as a nurse came with a crazy schedule, I spent a lot of my free time with Bianca and her family, Aunty Dina and David.

I missed them, I missed them all, well not David, I was very delusional to think that something could ever come out of that sham that was our relationship. David was tall, dark and fucking handsome, but he was also an asshole, he shat on me a lot of times and I never wanted to reminisce how stupid I was by taking him back.

The girls were taking pictures, dancing, laughing and singing the song at the top of their heads, I sat there, smiling and staring at them, they were all somewhere between half and drunk, Catalina had switched off my phone stating that I was going to ditch them if Eduardo called.

"Hey! Do you want to go down to party? It seems very fun there!" Catalina screamed at the top of her lung, many of the girls agreed, but I just wanted to sit here and so my drink.

"Common Aviva."

"No, Catalina, you can go right ahead, I will just stay here."

"Aviva," she groaned, "come with us, don't be a sour spot! We are here to party and have fun, this might be your only night of fun, commonly don't sit alone, follow us!"

I sighed, maybe letting loose would not be too bad. I followed them down to the dance floor, the girls were dancing like crazy, and I tried to pull down my gown, as I was getting unwanted attention. The cold air of the air condition swept through the room.

I accepted another drink, from Catalina and I started dancing better, rolling my back and shaking my ass, I rocked Adeline for a while, while the others cheered us on. It was fun, I had not had that much fun in months, but I was happy to be around them. They were not as snobby as they seemed at New Year's party.

We took Ria and Rue cheered me on and I twisted my hips and whined my waist, I was over the moon happy. I felt a rush of energy as I accepted another cocktail, the alcohol burnt the back of my throat but I continued onward. I was glad that I had worn a boot because it made the experience so much better.

Eventually, I had to get drinks for the ladies from the bar, I got to the bar, still dancing and ordered what the girls wanted, I was talking to the bartender, the guy seemed very nice. He had checked me out three times in the last five minutes. I liked the attention, I knew that nothing would come out of it but it was nice to put off Eduardo's house and into the real world.

I was about to pay when a 50-dollar bill slipped on the counter, "it's on me," I turned to the person that was paid to tell him off but my mouth hung open when I saw who it was, it was David, fucking David!

We stared at each other for a minute as his eyes rammed through the entire body. What the hell was David doing in a random club in LA?!

"Aviva, I knew I could not be tripping, it's you," I was speechless, my heart was racing but I could not speak, what was he doing here?!

I turned around when I heard Ria yell from the dance floor, "Hey, wait, you cannot just leave like that." he took my hand, "let me go," I muttered. A million things were clicking in my head, I wondered what exactly he was doing there, this could not be a coincidence, it was too random.

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