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We walked and walked with no aim and I felt exhausted. My legs were tired, I was so hungry.

Finally, we got into some part of the city, I was exhausted at that point. I felt my stomach groan, I rubbed my eyes.

"Let us get to a safe place first, do you know anyone in LA or something?" I asked her. She shook her head, it was going to be extremely difficult to get out of the situation we were in. I prayed that Rio did not locate us before them, he was working with all he had, I was side of it and being in the same city was not helping us. That boat might be the last opportunity we had.

"We could go to a homeless shelter."

"Do you know any homeless shelters? Plus how safe would it be? We can not just go somewhere when we are running from Rio, he found us within the first day, we need to take all the precautions we can."

"Well, seeing as the next best thing is sleeping in the streets I don't think that we have a choice do we?"

I sighed, I was too tired to argue with her, I needed rest, and I couldn't get it by arguing with her.

"We will see people on the street that we could ask for help." she eventually said and I continued walking through the pain in my leg, I felt like I was crushing my leg but I knew how tired she was, I did not want to walk, I did put her in this situation in the first place.

"There, I see someone!" she said to me as we approached a tent, and then we saw more and more tents, "we could ask them for where a homeless shelter is around here, it would help us."

I nodded and I approached the woman who was setting up the tent, "good evening, ma'am," I said politely. The woman looked up, "hey," she glanced at Avivs before looking back at me.

"We hum... We are stranded, and we have nowhere to go, we need help and we hoping you know of any homeless shelter that could help us."

"Oh my! You look sick, wow!"

"We were robbed blind and we are from New York, we have been stranded and nobody refuses to help us."

"Why not go to the cops? They will help you."

"We tried, we filed a report but he asked us to return tomorrow, we had no choice but to leave the station tonight." Aviva continued lying smoothly to the woman.

"Oh my, that must be so terrifying, I am sorry about this "

"You do not need to, we just need a shelter to stay till tomorrow, the police promise to help us call our family members, they can send us funds to go back home."

Wow, smooth thinking Aviva, I would never think of all this but it seemed like the women next to me were good at lying.

"Why not come inside my, I have a first aid kit for your wife's wound!"

"I am n..."

"Thank you, ma'am!" Aviva cut me off, making me frown. I glanced behind me, I put her down and she smiled sweetly at the woman, the woman nodded at us and looked away, she walked toward a large black van parked not too far from us. She brought out her first-aid skit and she collected it from her. The woman pulled out a chair.

"The shelter is usually full, and you would an ID to help you but since you said all your possessions were stolen and you have nowhere to go then I will explain for you," Aviva grinned.

"You are such a wonderful soul! Thank you very much!"

"It's no problem, I am glad I can help by the way I am Martha,

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