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Eduardo was weird, one minute his grey eyes were spitting fire at me and the second minute, his voice was soft and he was giving me his card, this card must be pretty fucking expensive. It was black and shiny, I walked toward the swimming pool, Catalina was out of the water and drinking the terrible wine. How can that be Eduardo's most expensive wine? It tasted like shit

"Hey! What happened?" Catalina asked, sitting up. I sat on the pool chair, "Eduardo gave me his card, and he said we can go out," I explained.

Catalina blinked, "what? Eduardo gave you his car?" she looked at the card in my hand and nodded.

"Yeah, we talked and he agreed to let me go, We can go but he says we must bring the bodyguards with us, Let's get dressed!"

I stood up and pulled the cake we were eating. I was surprised that Eduardo agreed, why did he do it? I covered my body with a towel, "What did you tell him? He seemed set on his decision and Don Eduardo doesn't change his mind."

I almost frowned at the way she said it, but I shrugged instead, "I am not sure why he changed his mind, We had a fight and he decided I was right and gave me his card."

"You fought him? You fought Don Eduardo?"

"I did, why do you sound surprised? Am I missing something?" I asked glancing at her. She blinked and looked away.

"No, it is just, Aviva men in our world do not listen to women, socially men with authority. They expect that we obey their command and follow instructions, I would never dare fight with Marco, it is like a sin."

"A sin? Well, your world seems misogynistic," I said casually. Catalina laughed nervously as we made our way toward the kitchen, I dripped the bottle on the kitchen island.

"That is not bowed it is, men are the leaders, they protect us and we serve them, we are very religious and we follow the Bible as it is said."

"Isn't the Bible against crime and stuff," I asked as we made our way up the stairs, "Yes, but they do not pay attention to those parts. You know the world is an evil place and we must do what we must to survive."

"The mafia is like a criminal organization, is it not hypocritical to pick and choose which part of the Bible you want to follow?" I asked.

"It is not like that, the mafia is for our protection, we..."

"Look, I am not part of the mafia okay so it doesn't matter. I am leading very soon and I am going to go back to my life in New York, I will forget about all this."

We entered the room and walked toward the closet, Catalina shredded the wet swimming suit and put her clothes back on. Maybe I should not have talked about leaving all this behind to her. She was nice as all but I knew she needed a friend, she looked disappointed as we walked through the house.

I found a causal tank top and neat jeans trousers, which I paired with a slip-on and packed my hair into a neat bun. My hair needed washing, proper washing.

"Common, let go, we don't want Eduardo to change his mind."

We walked back out and to Eduardo's office, and we found Carlos just coming out looking distrustful, his eyes fell on both of us, "Hey? Are you two ready?"

I nodded with a big smile on my face, I was happy, I mean this was the first time I would get away from this house, I felt free as we walked out of the house, A huge Range Rover was parked in front of the house, about seven men were standing at the side, I blinked when he said his men were going to follow me I did not even realise how many men were going to come along.

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