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I was not shocked to find that our sources led to nothing. I had a feeling that it would be like that. We travelled back to Lorenzo's mansion, I decided I was going to give this whole issue one final try and I have so was it.

As we drove into the estate of Lorenzo's mansion, I knew something was wrong. I pulled out my gun as they were strange faces that were guarding the gate and shot at one, my command men did the same thing and a rain of bullets started flying toward us and there I knew that we were in deep shit.

The house was desolate, I made sure that we entered quietly, and lo and behold Russians were guarding the doors.

God! God! God! Where was Aviva?

I nodded at Alejandro who yanked the hand of a guard and slit his throat before we could blink.

"We have to br careful, if they are inside they must have Rosalia and the kids," I said nothing as we shot another man, I did not care about what Lorenzo just said. He got me into this mess in the first place, I could not wait for him and his mem to think of what to do.

I ran toward the front door and opened it, my gun was pointed to the back of Rio, I smirked and shot at it three times before his men could blink or take cover.

"El jefe ha sido fusilado!" (the boss has been shot!) Someone yelled and men rained the bullet down on them. They were yelling and screaming while I ran toward Rio's body which flopped on the floor. I could not believe it, I finally caught him, and he delivered himself on a platter of gold to Lorenzo's mansion.

"I you you do not do that! We do not know where your girlfriend and my family are!" he snapped but I looked around, they were nowhere in sight. I looked up to the stairs and ran up the stairs.

They must be hiding, "what are you doing?" he asked me, "they were not there! There is be hiding and he must have been searching for them!" he sight and prepared his gun, I moved to a fight stance as we started moving around the house.

An influx of men ran toward our direction and I pulled out my gun, "where do you think they could be Lorenzo?" he shook his head. "I am not sure, I cannot tell, Rosalia is new to the..." he stopped and shot a man in tactical gear.

Fucking Russians!

I turned back to him, "What were you saying?" I asked panting. "I don't know..."

"Boss! The Russians! They are fleeing," good, I was too exhausted to catch all of them, they could run like little fucking rats. We continued searching but to no avail, we could not find anyone.

"Sir!" I heard from behind me, I turned "What is it?" they pulled out a woman shaking, she looked terrified and was crying.

"my father's nurse! Where are they?! Where is my father?!" The woman shook her head, "I... Mrs Mancini had a gun! She was going to kill me! She locked the office!"

"Mrs Mancini! Rosalia!" Lorenzo muttered and started running toward his office, I followed him, praying that nothing happened to her. It was not shocking to see that Rosalia betrayed Lorenzo, he knew that she was working with Alessio Ricci so I was sure she was the one that allowed them into this house, just one week after their wedding, the Russians had access to the mansion.

I stilled as I saw Lorenzo press a button by the wall that I did not know existed. He pressed and passed the code and the door suddenly opened to us, the scene before me was shocking.

Rosalia had a gun that went off as soon as we entered shooting Catalina, Aviva was on the other side of the office bloodied, and unconscious, a blanket wrapped around something next to her, Luca was shot on the floor still bleeding and Alessio was nowhere in sight. Marco was shot twice, one in the head and another in the neck.

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