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"Come, we will leave now Aviva," I took his hand and we walked toward Marco and Catalina.


"Eduardo," they nodded at each other and shook hands. He nodded at Catalina not interacting. I followed Eduardo out of the house to find five black SUVs, I waved at Catalina and Eduardo guarded me into the car. He entered the car with me and I could smell the new car scent.

I watched as we departed from the huge mansion. I watched as we drove through the city of Los Angeles, it was a beautiful city. One I hadn't noticed before that moment. I was too busy running with Eduardo from Rio to even realise the beauty of the city. We drove into traffic but throughout this time, Eduardo conversed through the car ride leaving me to my thoughts.

I wish I could go back to New York, but I knew how unsafe that was. I woke up early just to think of the consequences of meeting Eduardo. Dina and Bianca were at risk no matter how much reassurance Eduardo gave me. I was worried sick about what Rio could do to them. They were innocent and did not deserve any pain.

We got to Beverly Hills and Eduardo finally got off the phone, he turned to me, "What is your relationship with Catalina?"

I blinked, I let the question sink in, my relationship with Catalina? That was a random question. My mouth opened and closed, "I... Hum... Why are you asking me this?"

"It will be important. The faster you tell me how close you are the better."

"Hum... We just talked yesterday and she seemed nice."

"Nice?" he asked incredulously as if he could not believe that would be my reaction. "What do you expect I say? I met her yesterday, one day is not enough to form my opinion about Catalina."

"Did she tell you anything of substance? She is talkative, she might have said..."

"She did not tell me anything," I cut him short. He was very weird about Catalina. My mind went to what he told me when we first got to the house. 'They are allies, not friends.'

Did he suspect Marco? I did not even know what relationship those two had so I could I judge the situation? They claimed to be allies but everything just seemed false, as if they were lying to each other.

Eduardo was a bad person, I might not hate him for having a hand in my ordeal with Rio, after all, he dragged me into the mess in the first place but I knew that he was just as bad as Rio if not worse. Killing the man's father.

"If she tells you anything, anything at all you come straight to me and tell me everything," he commanded making me frown.

"Catalina and I just met, I cannot just come and tell you everything we discuss."

"I advise you not to argue with me Aviva, All I do is to ensure a bullet is not in you and you are protected."

"From who Catalina? She is harmless! She would not do anything to me."

"All this you figured out when? Aviva if you want to survive in my world you will trust no one and you will do everything to survive."

"I do not even understand what we are talking about here, Catalina is Marco's wife remember? I thought you were cool with Marco?"

"I am not cool with anybody! You need to stop questioning me and follow orders!" he snapped.

"I am not one of your little soldiers Eduardo! I am not also a part of your life so I do not need to learn anything that goes in in your criminal organization!" I asserted.

"The minute I entered that car with you in it, you became part of my life whether you like my life or not! Rio will not stop! If you think because Marco is a sweet old man and Catalina showed you a few teeth that we are somehow their best friends then you are mistaken!"

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