chapter 16

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The girls and I went to the diner to talk more about the Christmas party.

Rizzo said "so girls...I have some exciting news." We all looked at her a little confused because what can be exciting wondering about being pregnant. She said "I'm not pregnant!" We all squealed and we're happy for her she didn't have to go through anything like that at such a young age.

Soon after celebrating, we talked about Marty's Christmas party planning, Just as everyone was telling their part in helpingI realized I never even brought the party up to Kenickie last night.

Marty asked "so Ellie who are you and Kenickie going to invite." They all looked at me excited for an answer. I said "oh ...we um we never got the chance to talk about the party, I really am sorry you guys."

They all playfully rolled their eyes. Marty said "there won't be a party with no people." I said "yeah no shit, I'll remember next time I see him."

Rizzo smirked and said "so what were you guys doing?" I smiled and they all looked at me amused. Sandy said "wow you're really blushing." I nervously laughed and I said "he ate me out in the pool." They all shrieked in amusement and Sandy said "you're cleansing that pool before I get in it."

I said "it didn't happen in the pool. He sat me on the ledge and did it like that and I did the same for him."

Frenchy said "so at some point the two of you were naked in the pool." I smiled reminiscing and said "yeah." She said "yeah none of us are getting in before you clean that pool."

We all laughed and I smiled and shook my head embarrassed.

Just then, Danny and Kenickie came waltzing into the diner. They came up to us and Kenickie was smart about where he sat this time. I was on the end so he sat next to me. He put his arm around me and all the girls giggled.

I said "guys cut it out." He said "what are they laughing at?" I whispered in his ear "what we did last night." He smirked and laughed to himself turning a little red.

Danny playfully did a mocking moan. I laughed and Sandy jokingly shoved him.

I said "Kenickie and I will do an invite list tonight but Marty you're asking the people not us." Marty has a rep of liking older guys. Not hot older guys but like weird ones and no offense i'm not being associated with that rep. We all agree to just blend in at this party.

We all had dinner together and we decided we wanted to go to a drive in.

I sat in my car with Kenickie until I really had to pee so I walked to the bathroom bymself and on my way back I accidentally walked into someone. I dropped my purse but a pair of hands picked it up before I could.

I looked up and it was that guy Kenickie hated. Leo, the scorpion's leader, crater face...

I didn't know what to say but he handed me my purse and he said "sorry about that." I said "oh i uh... it's okay." He said "who are you?" I said "Eloise Bernardi." He said "oh I knew I've seen you before, I've seen you and your mom in magazines before." I know my face got a little warm and I said "oh yeah that was probably us."

He said "you're a very pretty girl." I said "oh thanks." and nervously laughed. He said "maybe we could go out sometime." I looked at him and I said "I don't think so." He said "why not?" I said "because I said no."

He started getting closer and closer to me but we weren't by any cars for them to see me or help me.

All of a sudden Kenickie came over and I ran to him. He grabbed my hand really tight and it kind of hurt. I was getting ready to say something as he dragged me back to Leo.

He said "don't even think about talking to my girl or laying a hand on her!"

He said "I wasn't." I said "you were about to." He gave me a nasty look and walked away from us.

I felt my heart rate decrease in relief. Kenickie said "what were you doing?" I said "nothing, don't question me in that tone asshole." Fuck why did it come out like that.

He was taken aback by my attitude but I didn't appreciate how he immediately thought I was flirting with him.

He said "don't talk to me like that, I have every right to question what happened, if that was me and Anette you'd be pissed."

I thought about it and I honestly would. But I was not flirting.

I said "Kenickie I accidentally walked into him and I dropped my bag and he gave it to me, he started flirting with me. Then he asked me out and I rejected him."

Kenickie said "He's always trying to take what's mine. My past two girlfriends he's taken from me but he's not taking you."

I said "yeah he won't cuz I don't want him." Kenickie smiled a little and looked into my eyes. He said "I'm sorry I got so defensive."

I held his hands and I said "it's okay and you have nothing to worry about Kenickie, I love you."

He said "I love you too Eloise." I loved when he said my whole name. I could melt.

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