8. Yamiro - Premise of Eternity

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Author's Note: Hi, everyone! It's been a minute, I know... My apologies, sincerely. I can't believe it's been a year since I published last chapter! But I somehow ran out of ideas, plus second year of uni did take its toll on me, I hardly have time to breathe in between studying and doing homework :( But here is a new chapter about our beloved skaters, take it as a big shout-out to you for your patience and love that you have been showing me these past few years :) It's also a little longer than usually, so that's a small compesation for the waiting :) You are truly incredible and this chapter goes to you, especially to the ones that have been asking for new chapters - I know about you, just the updates will be irregular for the above stated reasons. Enjoy the summer and today's chapter! And always believe in yourselves! :) 

-----5 years after the end of season 3 (2023)-----

The sun was setting peacefully, preparing for its night sleep on that side of Earth. Life always seemed to be going in slow motion at this time of day, people were heading home from work or were fast asleep on the couch already. But a tall, perfectionistic 24-year-old man was still locked in his office in the house that he shared with his long-term girlfriend and didn't seem to notice it was getting late.

Ramiro kept reading the notes for his psychology exam, but nothing seemed to make sense anymore. He was taking regular breaks for only five minutes every two hours which led to an exhaustion that was climbing up his legs slowly, but surely. He yawned and a few moments later he found his head on its way to rest on the desk. He couldn't give up just yet. At least that was what he kept telling his tired self. 

After finishing Blake South College, he had decided to become a professional skater. Unfortunately, the rivals were very good and competitive and each year were much younger than him, which only motivated Ramiro to work even harder. Three years after he graduated from Blake Ramiro suffered a terrible leg injury during one of his famous backflips; he landed on his right leg wrongly and broke his hip-bone. He had to be operated on immediately and the convalescence took several months before he could walk again.

Ramiro, being his determined and active self, was devastated by his injury. He wasn't allowed to move for a few weeks and he hated lying in bed, since he loved living life to the fullest. Yam, who was at the time heading for her first Latin America tour, postponed all her concerts to take care of him. He kept telling her he was fine, but deep down was moved by her gesture; he wouldn't be able to take care of himself in his terrible physical state. 

He started skating again as soon as he stopped needing crutches, but the prolonged time that he had spent in bed took its toll on him. He started to second-guess his life choices. Therefore, four years after he graduated from high school, he had decided to enroll at the University of Buenos Aires, just in case his skating career ended prematurely. 

The major that he chose was psychology with specialization in social issues of childhood and adolescence because over the years of his own growing up he wished to know all the things that he was learning about now. It would have helped him so much and he found joy in the idea of helping other youngsters find their place in the world. He knew too well how it felt to be excluded and hated by his friends for prioritizing his dreams over them. That was why he wanted to make sure that other kids would not have to go through the same pain alone. Also, the degree that he was studying for would enable him to work with children and become a sports coach; so he could kill two birds with one stone. 

He sighed when he, for the fifth time that day, started mumbling with his eyes shut in concentration: "Perception is the sensory experience of the world, which includes how an individual recognizes and intreprets sensory information." 

And just like that, the definition slipped from his memory right after he let it out of his mouth. "Damn it!" he cursed, under his breath, getting annoyed from the information overload. How he wished to be doing doubletakes under the trees in the park instead! But the exam was in two days time. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2023 ⏰

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